
Numbers in Crystal

1 exercise

About Numbers

Crystal has a type, Number, which is the base type for all numeric types. There are two main sub-types inside the Number type: Int and Float.

Int is short for integer and represents whole numbers. Int can be both negative and positive, with no decimal point.

# => Int32

# => Int32

Float represents numbers with a decimal point. Floats can be both negative and positive.

# => Float64

Converting between Int and Float

Using the 'to_i' and' to_f' methods, you can convert between Int and Float. The number is rounded down when converting from Float to Int.

# => 1.0

# => 1

# => 1

Arithmetic operators

You can use the basic arithmetic operators on Int and Float. The operators are +, -, *, /, and %. When using these operators, you can mix and match Int and Float.

Addition & Subtraction & Multiplication

The + operator is used for addition, the - operator is used for subtraction, and the * operator is used for multiplication.

Operator Example
+ 4 + 6 => 10
- 15 - 10 => 5
* 2 * 3 => 6


Division is used to divide numbers. The / operator is used for division. The result will always be a Float.

4 / 2
# => 2.0

4.0 / 2
# => 2.0

In some programming languages, when dividing by zero, the result will be an error.

In Crystal, when dividing by zero, the result is Infinity or -Infinity. The only exception is dividing zero by zero, resulting in NaN (Not a Number). Infinity and NaN are particular values in the Float type.

1 / 0
# => Infinity

-1 / 0
# => -Infinity

0 / 0
# => NaN

Integer division

Integer division is used to divide numbers and get the whole part of the result. The result will always be rounded down to an Int.

4.0 // 2
# => 2

4.5 // 2
# => 2

Dividing by zero when using integer division results in a DivisionByZeroError. This is different from normal division.


Modulus is used to get the remainder of a division. The % operator is used for modulus.

5 % 2
# => 1

5.0 % 2
# => 1.0

5 % 3
# => 2

Dividing by zero when using modulo results in a DivisionByZeroError. This is different from normal division.

1 % 0
# Error: Unhandled exception: Division by 0 (DivisionByZeroError)


Exponentiation is used to raise a number to a power. The ** operator is used for exponentiation. The result of an operation with a Float and an Int will be a Float.

2 ** 2
# => 4

2.0 ** 2
# => 4.0


The round method takes an optional argument: the number of decimal places to round to. The default number of decimal places is 0.

# => 1

# => 2

# => 1.23

Rounding up and down

You can also round up or down to an Int using the ceil and floor methods. The ceil method rounds up, and the floor method rounds down.

# => 1

# => 2

# => 1

Priority and parentheses

Crystal allows parentheses(()), which can be used to group expressions. This is useful when you want to change the order of operations.

When using multiple arithmetic operators, the order of operations is the same as in mathematics, also known as PEMDAS. It follows the order of parentheses(()), exponents(**), multiplication(*) and division(/), and addition(+) and subtraction(-).

2 + 3 - 4 * 4
# => -11

(2 + 3 - 4) * 4
# => 4
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