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User-uploaded avatar of Dimitar Apostolovski
Dimitar ApostolovskiAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of ciiro
ciiroAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Nikolay Shatalov
Nikolay ShatalovAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of John Klassa
John KlassaAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Fenja Louwrens
Fenja LouwrensAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Ben Brooks
Ben BrooksAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Jonathan Palardy
Jonathan PalardyAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of rohunmsharman
rohunmsharmanAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of bhensel247
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of RonyTheRhombus
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of tyxie
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of frank-g-e
frank-g-eAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of robshep
robshepAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Dominik Nußbaumer
Dominik Nußbaumer
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Lilt (Lilith)
Lilt (Lilith)
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Nico
NicoAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of ellipticview
ellipticviewAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of knightofrohan
knightofrohanAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Jiri Syrovy
Jiri Syrovy
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of name759
name759An Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Mod
ModAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Matt
MattAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of senseiBas
senseiBasAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Petar Koraca
Petar KoracaAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Frohike999
Frohike999An Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Chris Dawson
Chris DawsonAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of hamuriajack
hamuriajackAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Sardo
SardoAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 13 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of Luka Dornhecker
Luka Dornhecker
First supported 12 days ago
User-uploaded avatar of RobsenGelalcha
RobsenGelalchaAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported 12 days ago

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This page aims to show all individuals who have financially supported Exercism. Technically, it lists everyone who have been awarded the Supporter badge and who have enabled the "Appear on supporters page?" toggle in their Donations Settings. Donating through the Exercism website should automatically award you the Supporter badge. However, donating through a third party website (e.g. GitHub) may require you to email donations@exercism.org to ask us to manually award the badge.