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Our generous individual donors

3939 generous people have donated to Exercism

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User-uploaded avatar of Edgar
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of traf
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Adam Grabowski
Adam Grabowski
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Thomas Maffia
Thomas Maffia
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of XenonApps
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Brian Sayler
Brian SaylerAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Anan
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Vincent Lafouasse
Vincent LafouasseAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of orre
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Jakub Kaláb
Jakub Kaláb
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of yurian
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Mauricio Palma
Mauricio Palma
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Zweenl
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of cduley
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Stefan
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Tran Viet Cuong
Tran Viet Cuong
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Victoria
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of James Saxon
James Saxon
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Mel Reams
Mel Reams
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Aleksei
AlekseiAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of prabier
prabierAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Chris Ohk
Chris OhkAn Exercism Insider's flair
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Ricardo Serathiuk
Ricardo Serathiuk
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Anis Lazaar
Anis Lazaar
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Mike van Lammeren
Mike van Lammeren
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of Vkutovoy92
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of JakubPiatrik
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of tethra211
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of cryptowooser
cryptowooserA lifetime Insider's flair
First supported over 1 year ago
User-uploaded avatar of David Zapata
David Zapata
First supported over 1 year ago

Why am I not on this page?

This page aims to show all individuals who have financially supported Exercism. Technically, it lists everyone who have been awarded the Supporter badge and who have enabled the "Appear on supporters page?" toggle in their Donations Settings. Donating through the Exercism website should automatically award you the Supporter badge. However, donating through a third party website (e.g. GitHub) may require you to email donations@exercism.org to ask us to manually award the badge.