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Exercism v3 has launched

Over 3 years ago

After two years, we're finally launched. Watch the video above to hear our thoughts on everything and explore a little about where we're going next.

We've been working on this for a long time and the big challenge for us has been when to launch. What does ready look like? Well, it looks like this! We got to the point where v3 was "good enough" to launch with, and said "let's do it" There's loads of rough edges we want to polish, a few half-finished features, and some that didn't make the cut. There are definitely going to be some bugs. But it's already a huge step forward from v2, and we think it's a great experience right now.

So today is just the start, the beginning of the journey of exciting things to come, but it's also an exciting step in itself and something we're proud of.

Here are a few answers to questions I've been asked:

  • Badges: We've launched with just a handful of Badges, but will be rolling lots more out over the next few weeks. So keep checking back to see if you get awarded anything!
  • Reputation: All reputation has so far been automated generated. Some people are owed reputation for things that aren't automated. We will sort this in the next couple of weeks.
  • All data has been carried over from v2 to v3. We've done lots of reshaping and migrating, and we might have made mistakes. If something is wrong, please open an issue on GitHub.
  • Exercism Teams: Teams is offline for the rest of 2021. We're going to take some time to rebuild it properly, and have a whole load of really exciting features in stored. Watch this space in early 2022.
  • Exercism Research: The Research subsite is now offline, but we are still working with the researchers in Chicago, and will be adding in more experiments into the site in the coming months. Look out for more information in a vlog soon.
  • Mentoring: All your mentoring discussions should be available for you to see. In v2, mentoring was automatically requested on submission. In v3, requesting mentoring is a deliberate step. To try and clear things up and give the mentors a fresh slate, we've cancelled all (implicit) mentor requests from before August. If you've been waiting for ages, I'm sorry. But we felt it was more likely that we can encourage more mentors to get involved if they're not being asked to mentor old solutions that the student might not reply to.

I really hope you enjoy v3!

1st Sep 2021 · Found it useful?