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Introducing the Exercism blog

6 years ago

Each day Exercism gets hundreds of new users, thousands of new submissions, and dozens of improvements across its language tracks and product. However, it's become apparent that few of you have visibility on that activity and all of the great stuff that's happening. Our Contributors work tirelessly improving tracks and mentoring people but unless you are on the Exercism team Slack room and read all the channels (which I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who does), you get very little insight into all the activity that's happening. Not only is this a bit sad, it gives the impression to many that Exercism is dead (when it's growing faster than ever) and it also means that the contributors have no way to tell their friends, colleagues or the wider world about all the work they're doing.

To solve this we're launching the Exercism blog. It will contain a variety of content, including:

  • Updates on new features and improvements to the Exercism website
  • Interesting technical articles regarding the languages we support
  • Walkthroughs of interesting approaches to exercises
  • Interviews with members of the Exercism community
  • Insights into key changes happening on the tracks

We are also planning to launch a weekly Exercism newsletter in the coming weeks, which will contain the most popular posts from our blog.

If you'd like to write for our blog or have any ideas for articles, please open an issue at our blog repository on GitHub.

We really hope you enjoy this!

16th Jan 2019 · Found it useful?