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Mozilla awards Exercism an Open Source Support Award

6 years ago

Last week we wrote a blog post announcing the Automated Mentoring Support Project and discussed our plans for adding static analysis to Exercism. Following on from that, we're incredibly excited to be able to now publically announce that we have been awarded a Mozilla Open Source Support Award to support this project.

The grant will help fund three key areas of our static analysis work:

  1. The product design and development to allow static analysis to work alongside mentoring within the Exercism UI
  2. The infrastucture required to run static-analysis and the integration of this into the submission pipeline
  3. A proof-of-concept for Two Fer in Ruby that will give us reference documentation for other languages/exercises

We're extremely grateful to Mozilla, and excited to be able to dedicate some full-time people-power to the product and infrastructure sides of the project, which will be so important moving forward. We feel that this addition of static analysis to Exercism will dramatically increase our ability to serve a wider community and make mentoring a more enjoyable and rewarding activity.

12th Feb 2019 · Found it useful?