How you can help us build Exercism

Proofread and update


Never contributed to an open source project? Give this a go. We'll help you submit your first pull request.

0 issues need help
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Improve a concept or exercise


Fix bugs and make improvements to concepts and exercise across Exercism. Help students have a smooth and error-free experience.

56 issues need help
PHP JavaScript x86-64 Assembly
PHP, JavaScript, x86-64 Assembly, Dart + 38 more need help
Explore 56 issues

Create a new exercise or concept


Build out a new exercise or concept based on a track's roadmap. Have fun making interactive content that millions of people will use.

105 issues need help
Go Cairo Elixir
Go, Cairo, Elixir, F# + 3 more need help
Explore 105 issues

Develop a test runner


Test runners power our online editor. All tracks have basic test runners, but many need more advanced features and functionality adding.

74 issues need help
Dart Objective-C Swift
Dart, Objective-C, Swift, Nim + 37 more need help
Explore 74 issues

Develop an analyzer


Analyzers give automated feedback to students through ASTs analysis. These are complex and deeply interesting pieces of software to develop.

48 issues need help
Bash F# Zig
Bash, F#, Zig, Gleam + 27 more need help
Explore 48 issues

Develop a representer


Representers help us spot identical solutions so that we can reuse feedback. Simpler than analyzers but fun and interesting to reason about.

32 issues need help
CFML Ballerina ClojureScript
CFML, Ballerina, ClojureScript, Elm + 25 more need help
Explore 32 issues