
Conditionals in Common Lisp

24 exercises

About Conditionals

Common Lisp provides the programmer with several different conditionals that can be categorised by the number of "branches" they support.

Also, unlike many other programming languages, all conditionals in Common Lisp are expressions not statements. This means that all Lisp conditionals evaluate to some value and can be substituted for concrete parameters.

As an example:

;; Doubles x when it's even
(* x (if (evenp x) 2 1))

Single-Branch Conditionals

The conditionals when and unless evaluate some code only when the provided test is true or false respectively – evaluating to nil otherwise.

The section after the test expression may be more than one expression.

(when (= 2 2) "All is well")      ; => "All is well"
(unless (= 2 2) "Time to panic!") ; => NIL

The Two-Branch Conditional

The if conditional evaluates the first expression of the body when the test is true and the second one otherwise.

(if (= 2 2) 'how-honest 'you-liar) ; => HOW-HONEST

Note that both the then and else clauses can only be a single expression.

Many-Branch Conditionals

The Lisp "super-conditional" is cond, which can have an infinite number of branches. Each branch has a test condition and body expression that are surrounded by an extra pair of parentheses. If all of the tests evaluate to false, then nil is returned.

(cond ((= 0 2) 'nope)
      ((= 1 2) 'try-again)
      ((= 2 2) 'quite-true)
      ((= 3 2) 'too-far)
      (t 'something-else))

Note that there is no limit to the number of expressions after the test expression.

If you just want to test one value against a number of branches, you can use the cleaner case expression. If none of the cases match, nil is returned. Both t and otherwise can be used as catch-all cases:

(case 'elder-beast
  (cat "Meow")
  (bird "Chirp")
  (dog "Bark")
  (otherwise "???"))
; => "???"

Note that like cond there is no limit to the number of expressions after the test expression.

The Stealth Conditionals

The boolean and and or operations in Common Lisp are short-circuiting macros that can be used to reduce the duplication of certain conditional expressions.

The and macro will immediately return nil if a single false value is encountered, but the last true value of the and otherwise:

(and 42 "Magic" :cool) ; => :COOL
(and () "Magic" :cool) ; => NIL

The or macro returns the first true value it encounters or nil if there were no true values:

(or () 42 nil)  ; => 42
(or () NIL nil) ; => NIL

I'm Exhausted...

As mentioned previously, when none of the branches in a case statement match, and there is no otherwise clause, nil is returned. Occasionally, however, a failure to match any branch should be treated as an error – this is where ecase (for exhaustive matching) comes in.

It's used in exactly the same way as case, but signals an error instead of returning nil when there is no match.

(case 'elder-beast
  (cat "Meow")
  (bird "Chirp")
  (dog "Bark"))
; => NIL

(ecase 'elder-beast
  (cat "Meow")
  (bird "Chirp")
  (dog "Bark"))
; => ERROR: ELDER-BEAST fell through ECASE expression. Wanted one of (CAT BIRD DOG).
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