
Hash Tables in Common Lisp

3 exercises

About Hash Tables

Hash tables in Common Lisp are data structures for storing associative data. They map keys (which can be any object) to values (which can be any object).

Creating hash tables

Hash tables can be created with the make-hash-table function.

The make-hash-table function takes several keyword parameters for fine-tuning the initial size of the hash table as well as its resizing threshold; refer to the documentation for full info on those. More importantly it also takes a test keyword parameter which defines how keys are compared during the insertion, lookup and removal of keys and values. The values of the test argument can be one of 'eq, 'eql, 'equal, or 'equalp which correspond to the generic equality predicates. The default value is 'eql.

Common operations on hash tables

To get a value by its key one uses gethash. gethash takes an [optional argument][concept-defualt-arguments] which acts as the value to be returned if the key is not present in the hash table. gethash also returns multiple values (explained in another concept). The first value is the value of that key in the hash table, the default value if provided, or NIL. The second value is a boolean that indicates if the key was present in the hash table or not.

To insert a key value pair one uses setf with gethash.

To remove a key and its value use remhash.

To remove all keys and values use clrhash

While a hash table in Common Lisp, as in other languages, has no guaranteed ordering, it can sometimes be useful to iterate over one processing each key/value pair. This can be done with maphash:

(maphash #'(lambda (key value) (print (cons key value))) *hash-table*)

(This will print out each key and value as a cons-pair, one per line.)


(setf *hash-table* (make-hash-table))     ; => #<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQL :COUNT 0 {100375FD23}>
(gethash :foo *hash-table*)               ; => NIL
                                          ;    NIL
(gethash :foo *hash-table* 
         :default-value)                  ; => :DEFAULT-VALUE
                                          ;    NIL

(setf (gethash :foo *hash-table*) :bar)   ; => :BAR
(gethash :foo *hash-table*)               ; => :BAR
                                          ;    T

(setf (gethash :key *hash-table*) :value) ; => :RIGHT
(gethash :key *hash-table*)               ; => :VALUE
                                          ;    T

(remhash :key *hash-table*)               ; => T
(gethash :key *hash-table*)               ; => NIL
                                          ; => NIL
(clrhash *hash-table*)                    ; => #<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQL :COUNT 0 {1005A90103}>
(gethash :foo *hash-table*)               ; => NIL
                                          ;    NIL
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