
Vectors in Common Lisp

1 exercise

About Vectors

A vector is a 1-dimensional array. They may contain elements of different types.

Creating Vectors

Vectors can be created via the vector function or by using its reader form #()

(vector 1 t "foo" 'b) ; => #(1 T "foo" B)
#(2 nil "bar" a)      ; => #(2 NIL "bar" A)

Since they are arrays they can also be created with make-array:

(make-array 3 :initial-element 'x)        ; => #(X X X)
(make-array 3 :initial-contents '(a b c)) ; => #(A B C)

Vector Predicate

To check if object is a vector simply use the predicate vectorp.

Accessing Elements

To access elements of a vector use aref, the indexes are zero-based:

(aref #(1 2 3) 1) ; => 2
(aref #(a b c) 0) ; => A
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