Smart Pointers

Smart Pointers in C++

1 exercise

About Smart Pointers

Smart pointers are a modern C++ feature designed to provide automatic memory management, helping to prevent memory leaks and dangling pointers commonly associated with raw pointers. They act as wrappers around raw pointers, adding additional functionality such as automatic memory deallocation when the pointer is no longer needed.

General Syntax

Smart pointers are typically implemented as class templates in the C++ standard library. The two most commonly used smart pointers are std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr.

Unique Pointers

std::unique_ptr is a smart pointer that owns the object exclusively. It ensures that at any given time, only one std::unique_ptr object owns the resource. When the owning std::unique_ptr is destroyed or reset, it automatically destructs the objects and releases its memory.

#include <memory>
// Declaring and defining a unique pointer
auto rightful_king_of_england = std::make_unique<std::string>("Excalibur");

// Unique pointers cannot be copied or assigned
auto mordred = rightful_king_of_england; // Error: Cannot copy a unique_ptr

Advantages of std::make_unique()

When creating a std::unique_ptr, it's preferable to use std::make_unique() instead of directly using new to allocate memory. std::make_unique() provides several advantages:

  1. Exception Safety: std::make_unique() guarantees exception safety. If an exception is thrown during the construction of the object, memory will be automatically deallocated, preventing memory leaks.
  2. Clarity: Using std::make_unique() makes code clearer and more concise. It eliminates the need to explicitly specify the type being allocated, as the template arguments are deduced automatically.
  3. Optimization Opportunities: Compilers have the opportunity to optimize std::make_unique() more effectively than manually allocating memory with new, potentially resulting in improved performance.
  4. Avoiding Misuse: Deleting the underlying resource is possible, when the std::unique_ptr is constructed manually. That would lead to undefined behavior, when the std::unique_ptr tries to delete it at its end of scope.

Shared Pointers

std::shared_ptr is a smart pointer that allows multiple std::shared_ptr objects to share ownership of the same resource. It keeps track of how many shared pointers are referencing the resource, and deallocates the memory only when the last shared pointer owning the resource goes out of scope or is reset.

// Declaring and defining a shared pointer to a dynamically allocated string
auto martian_congressional_republic = std::make_shared<std::string>("protomolecule");

// Creating more shared pointer that shares ownership
auto outer_planets_alliance = martian_congressional_republic;
auto united_nations = martian_congressional_republic;

In C++17 and below, using std::shared_ptr with arrays via std::make_shared<T[]> is not directly supported. While it's possible to allocate arrays with std::make_shared<T[]>, creating shared pointers directly from them may lead to undefined behavior due to differences in memory management between single objects and arrays. Instead, consider using std::vector or custom deletion functions to manage arrays with shared pointers effectively. Always ensure compatibility with your compiler and standard library implementation when dealing with array allocations and shared pointers in C++17.

Advantages of std::make_shared()

Similar to std::make_unique(), std::make_shared() offers benefits such as improved memory efficiency, exception safety, and readability. It combines memory allocation for the control block and the managed object into a single operation, enhancing efficiency and reducing the risk of memory leaks. Additionally, automatic deduction of template arguments simplifies code and enhances readability. Using std::make_shared() promotes cleaner, safer, and more efficient code when working with std::shared_ptr objects in C++.

Weak Pointers

std::weak_ptr is a companion class to std::shared_ptr that provides a non-owning "weak" reference to an object managed by a shared pointer. It allows access to the resource without affecting its lifetime. Weak pointers are useful in scenarios where cyclic references need to be broken to prevent memory leaks.

// Creating a shared pointer
auto your_account = std::make_shared<std::string>("secret_subscription_password");
// Creating a shared pointer that shares ownership
auto your_flatmates_account = your_account;

// Creating a weak pointer from the shared pointer
auto your_flatmates_boyfriends_account = your_flatmates_account;
// if your_account and your_flatmates_account are deleted, there is no more reference to the shared pointer.
// your_flatmates_boyfriends_account will be a null pointer and cannot use the associated object any longer.

std::weak_ptr and Cyclic Ownership

std::weak_ptr was designed to address the issue of cyclic ownership, also known as circular references, that can occur when using std::shared_ptr.

In a cyclic ownership scenario, two or more std::shared_ptr objects are referencing each other, creating a cycle where none of the objects can be deleted because they have strong references to each other, leading to memory leaks.

std::weak_ptr provides a solution to this problem by allowing weak references to shared objects without contributing to their reference count. This means that it can observe and access the shared object but doesn't prevent it from being deleted. If all strong references to the shared object are released, the object is destroyed, and weak pointers observing it are automatically reset to nullptr.

Here's a short example demonstrating the use of std::weak_ptr to break cyclic ownership:

struct Node {
    Node() { std::cout << "Node constructed\n"; }
    ~Node() { std::cout << "Node destructed\n"; }

    std::weak_ptr<Node> next;

// Creating two nodes
auto node1 = std::make_shared<Node>();
auto node2 = std::make_shared<Node>();

// Creating a cycle by making each node point to the other
node1->next = node2;
node2->next = node1;

// Release strong references to nodes

// Nodes are automatically destructed due to weak references

"Node constructed" is printed twice, followed by two lines of "Node destructed".

When next is not a weak pointer but a std::shared_ptr, it creates a cyclic ownership situation, leading to memory leaks because both nodes will hold strong references to each other, preventing their destruction.

struct Node {
    Node() { std::cout << "Node constructed\n"; }
    ~Node() { std::cout << "Node destructed\n"; }

    std::shared_ptr<Node> next; // Change to shared_ptr

In this scenario, both node1 and node2 hold strong references to each other through std::shared_ptr, forming a cycle. When the program exits and attempts to release the strong references with reset(), the reference counts of both nodes remain non-zero because each node holds a strong reference to the other. Therefore, the nodes are not destructed, leading to memory leaks. "Node constructed" is printed twice, but it is not followed by any line of "Node destructed".

Dangling pointers and std::weak_ptr

Dangling pointers occur when a pointer references an object that has been deleted, leading to undefined behavior when the pointer is dereferenced. std::weak_ptr helps avoid dangling pointers by providing a non-owning, weak reference to an object managed by std::shared_ptr. Here's how to avoid dangling pointers with std::weak_ptr:

  1. Create a std::weak_ptr: Instead of directly holding a std::shared_ptr, create a std::weak_ptr to the shared object.

  2. Check for Validity: Before using the std::weak_ptr, check its validity using the expired() function. This function returns true if the associated shared object has been deleted.

  3. Lock the std::weak_ptr: To access the shared object safely, use the lock() function, which returns a std::shared_ptr pointing to the same object if it is still valid. If the object has been deleted, lock() returns an empty std::shared_ptr.

Here's a code example demonstrating the use of std::weak_ptr to avoid dangling pointers:

auto node1 = std::make_shared<Node>();
auto node2 = std::make_shared<Node>();

// Create weak pointers
node1->next = node2;
node2->next = node1;

// Check validity and lock
if (auto lockedNode2 = node1->next.lock()) {
    // Use lockedNode2 safely
} else {
    // Handle case where node2 has been deleted

In this example, node1->next and node2->next are std::weak_ptr objects. Before accessing the shared object, validity is checked using the expired() function. Then, lock() is used to safely access the shared object. This approach ensures that dangling pointers are avoided when working with std::weak_ptr.

Usage advice

Use smart pointers by default: std::unique_ptr for exclusive ownership and std::shared_ptr for shared ownership. Reserve raw pointers for non-owning references or when interfacing with legacy code. In most cases, std::unique_ptr is sufficient for exclusive ownership, as it offers lightweight memory management without the overhead of reference counting. std::shared_ptr should be used sparingly, as it introduces overhead and complexity unless true shared ownership is needed. std::weak_ptr is specialized for breaking cyclic dependencies or observing shared objects, but it's not commonly used.

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Learn Smart Pointers