Stack operations

Reverse String
Reverse String in C++



#include <string>

namespace reverse_string
    std::string reverse_string(std::string_view str);



#include "reverse_string.h"

namespace reverse_string

// (1) the function takes its argument "by value"
std::string reverse_string(std::string_view original)
    // (2) start with an empty string
    std::string result;

    // (3) loop as long as the parameter still contains characters
    while (!original.empty())
        // (3) pop the last character off the parameter and append it to the result
        char c = original.back();

    // result now contains a reversed version of the string
    return result;

} // namespace reverse_string;

The type of the parameter

The function takes a std::string_view as its argument. That type was added to C++17, it is an immutable "view" of a string, it is cheap to construct and to copy (see We can use it here because the function does not really modify the underlying string, the remove_suffix(1) just narrows the view.

Constructing an empty std::string

There are several equivalent ways to construct an empty std::string, for example:

std::string result;
std::string result{};
std::string result{""};
std::string result = "";
auto result = std::string{};

None of them is significantly better than the others, chosing one is mostly a matter of personal preferences.

Treating the two strings as stacks.

In programming and computer science "stack" is a term for a container that supports some specific operations (see Wikipedia):

  • You can push a new item onto the stack.
  • You can pop the top-most (i.e. most recently pushed) item off the stack.
  • You can peek at the top-most item (without popping it off the stack).

std::string_view have the member functions back (see and remove_suffix (see std::string has the member function push_back (see They let use use the two strings like stacks.

  • original.back() returns the last character of the original.
  • original.remove_suffix(1) conceptually removes the last character from the original (it narrows the view).
  • result.push_back() appends a character to the result.

If we do that repeatedly until the original is empty, the result contains the reversed string.


This is a valid approach, it is correct and reasonably efficient. It is mostly presented as an interesting idea and unique way to think about the problem.

22nd Jan 2025 · Found it useful?