class Minesweeper
 def initialize(@board : Array(String))
 def annotate
  @board.map_with_index do |row, y|
   row.chars.map_with_index do |cell, x|" ", annotated_space(x, y))
 private def annotated_space(x, y)
([y - 1, 0].max..[y + 1, @board.size - 1].min).sum do |y|
([x - 1, 0].max..[x + 1, @board[0].size - 1].min).count do |x|
    @board[y][x] == '*'
   end"0", " ")
What makes this approach interesting is the use of the tr
method, which allows us to have a concise solution that doesn't use conditionals.
This approach starts with defining a initialize
method that takes an Array(String)
as an argument and assigns it to an instance variable @board
The annotate
method starts with mapping over the @board
array with the index y
for each row.
Then, it converts each row into an array of characters and maps over it with the index x
for each cell.
It converts each cell from a Char
to a String
and then uses the method tr
The tr
method allows you to replace a set of characters with another set of characters in a string.
This is useful since it allows us to replace only the space character with the result of the annotated_space
The annotated_space
method takes the x
and y
coordinates of the cell and calculates the number of mines around it.
It then creates a range representing the area's height to check for mines.
Since the index is 0, taking minus 1 would make the value -1, which would be valid in Crystal but would represent the last element.
We don't want this behavior, so we use the max
method to ensure that the value is at least 0.
The same is done for the min
value, but here we want to ensure that the value is, at most, the last index.
Then, we use the sum
method to sum the total number of mines returned by the inner loop.
The inner loop creates a range representing the area's width to check for mines.
As before, we use the max
and min
methods to ensure that the values are within the board's bounds.
Then, we use the count
method to count how many times the inner condition is true, which indicates whether the cell is a mine or not.
Finally, we convert the sum to a string and use the tr
method to replace all the zeros with spaces.