
Tuples in F#

28 exercises

About Tuples

A tuple is an immutable grouping of unnamed but ordered values. Tuples can hold any (or multiple) data type(s) -- including other tuples.

Tuples are defined as comma-separated values between ( and ) characters: (<element_1>, ... , <element_n>).

("one", 2) // Tuple pair (2 values)
("one", 2, true) // Tuple triplet (3 values)

Only tuples with the same length and the same types (in the same order) can be compared. Tuples have structural equality, which means they are equal only if all their values are equal.

(1, 2) = (1, 2) // Same length, same types, same values, same order
// => true

(1, 2) = (2, 1) // Same length, same types, same values, different order
// => false

(1, 2) = (1, "2") // Same length, different types
// compiler error

(1, 2) = (1, 2, 3) // Different length
// compiler error

There are three ways in which you can extract values from a tuple:

  • The fst and snd functions
  • Tuple deconstruction
  • Pattern matching
let person = ("Jordan", 170)

// Option 1: fst/snd
let name1 = fst person
let length1 = snd person

// Option 2: deconstruction
let (name2, length2) = person

// Option 3: pattern matching
match person with
| name3, length3 -> printf "%s: %d" name3 length3

Technically, you can access a tuples value using its .Item1, .Item2, ... properties, but this is discouraged and results in a compiler warning.

Key points about tuples

Some key things to know about tuples are:

  • A particular instance of a tuple type is a single object, similar to a two-element array in C#, say. When using them with functions they count as a single parameter. The only exception is when calling non F#-code with multiple parameters, in which case you pass in a tuple and its values will automatically be extracted to the corresponding parameter value.
  • Tuple types cannot be given explicit names. The “name” of the tuple type is determined by the combination of types that are multiplied together.
  • The comma is the critical symbol that defines tuples, not the parentheses. You can define tuples without the parentheses, although it can sometimes be confusing. In F#, if you see a comma, it is probably part of a tuple.
  • Tuples can be used as arguments of function and return value of function.
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