
Collatz Conjecture
Collatz Conjecture in F#
let steps (number: int): int option =
    let collatzSequence (number: int): int seq =
        Seq.unfold (fun current ->
            if current = 1 then
            elif current % 2 = 0 then
                Some (current, current / 2)
                Some (current, current * 3  + 1)

    if number < 1 then None
    else collatzSequence number |> Seq.length |> Some

The collatz sequence is basically a while loop that updates a value and terminates when the value is equal to one. This is a common enough pattern, that F# has a built-in function for this use case: Seq.unfold.


The Seq.unfold function takes two arguments:

  1. A function that takes a value and returns a value pair wrapped in an Option<T>
  2. The initial value

The function can return either:

  1. Some (returnValue, newValue): continue executing, whilst adding the first value (returnValue) to the list of values to return, and use newValue as the value for the next call to the lambda
  2. None: stop execution

Once the function returns None, the accumulated return values are returned.

Unfolding the collatz sequence

Now that we know how Seq.unfold works, let's use it to generate our collatz sequence.

Seq.unfold (fun current ->
    if current = 1 then
    elif current % 2 = 0 then
        Some (current, current / 2)
        Some (current, current * 3  + 1)

You can see that there are three different paths the lambda takes.

1. Stop executing when the number is one

The very first thing we check is whether the current number is equal to one. If so, we return None and execution stops.

if current = 1 then

2. Handle an even number

We use the modulo operator to check if the number is even, and if so, we return Some (current, current / 2):

elif current % 2 = 0 then
    Some (current, current / 2)

As a reminder: the first value current is added to the list of values to return, whereas current / 2 will be the new value to work with.

3. Handle an odd number

At this point, we know the number must be odd, so we return Some (current, current * 3 + 1):

    Some (current, current * 3  + 1)

Step-by-step execution

Let's run through the Seq.unfold calls to get a better feel for it working as intended:

Current number Lambda return Return values
5 Some (5, 16) [5]
16 Some (16, 8) [5; 16]
8 Some (8, 4) [5; 16; 8]
4 Some (4, 2) [5; 16; 8; 4]
2 Some (2, 1) [5; 16; 8; 4; 2]
1 None [5; 16; 8; 4; 2]

You can see that we're slowly building up the return values, returning them once we've reached one.

Counting the number of steps

Let's make use of our collatzSequence function within the steps function:

let steps (number: int): int option =
    if number < 1 then None
    else collatzSequence number |> Seq.length |> Some

We first check if the current number is less than one. If so, the input must have been less than one and is considered invalid, so we return None:

if current < 1 then None

Otherwise, we can use collatzSequence number to return all the numbers in the collatz sequence up to (but not including) the number one. We then count the steps using Seq.length and wrap it in a Some value:

else collatzSequence number |> Seq.length |> Some

And that's it, we've correctly calculated the number of steps in a number's collatz sequence!

Using a nested function

It's also possible to make the collatzSequence function a nested function of the steps function. This is not unreasonable, as there is little going on in the steps function.

let steps (number: int): int option =
    let collatzSequence (number: int): int seq =
        Seq.unfold (fun current ->
            if current = 1 then
            elif current % 2 = 0 then
                Some (current, current / 2)
                Some (current, current * 3  + 1)

    if number < 1 then None
    else collatzSequence number |> Seq.length |> Some

Inline collatz sequence

It is also not unreasonable to inline the collatzSequence function:

let steps (number: int): int option =
    if number < 1 then
        |> Seq.unfold (fun n -> if n = 1 then None elif n % 2 = 0 then Some (n, n / 2) else Some (n, n * 3  + 1))
        |> Seq.length
        |> Some

It's a bit dense, but not unreasonably so. You do love the expressiveness of the call to the appropriately named collatzSequence function.

22nd Jan 2025 · Found it useful?