
Errors in Go

1 exercise

About Errors

The error interface

Error handling is not done via exceptions in Go. Instead, errors are normal values of types that implement the built-in error interface. The error interface is very minimal. It contains only one method Error() that returns the error message as a string.

type error interface {
  Error() string

Every time you define a function in which an error could happen during the execution that needs to reach the caller, you need to include error as one of the return types. If the function has multiple return values, by convention error is always the last one.

func DoSomething() (int, error) {
  // ...

Creating and returning a simple error

You do not have to always implement the error interface yourself. To create a simple error, you can use the errors.New() function that is part of the standard library package errors. The only thing you need to pass in is the error message as a string, and errors.New() will take care of creating a value that contains your message and implements the error interface.

If the function returns an error, it is good practice to return the zero value for all other return parameters:

func DoSomething() (SomeStruct, int, error) {
  // ...
  return SomeStruct{}, 0, errors.New("failed to calculate result")

You should not assume that all functions return zero values for other return values if an error is present. It is best practice to assume that it is not safe to use any of the other return values if an error is returned.

As an example, imagine a function was trying to read from a file and returns a half-filled byte slice and an error. If you would re-use that returned byte slice in your code, assuming it is always empty because there was error, you can run into subtle bugs.

The only exceptions are cases where the function documentation clearly states that other returns values are meaningful in case of an error. Look at the [documentation for Write on a buffer][buffer-write] for an example.

Make sure the error message you provide is as specific as possible as errors do not include any stack traces by default. By convention, the error message should start with a lowercase letter and not end with a period.

If you want to use such an error in multiple places (or you want to make the error available to the consumer of your package), you should declare a variable for the error instead of using errors.New in-line. By convention, the name of the variable should start with Err or err (depending on whether it is exported or not). These error variables are often called sentinel errors.

import "errors"

var ErrNotFound = errors.New("resource was not found")

func DoSomething() error {
  // ...
  return ErrNotFound

Return nil for the error to signal that there were no errors during the function execution:

func Foo() (int, error) {
  return 10, nil

Including variables in the error message

If you need to construct a more complex error message from some variables, you can make use of string formatting. Go has a special fmt.Errorf function for this purpose. It constructs the error message string and returns an error.

input := 123
action := "UPDATE"

err := fmt.Errorf("invalid input %d for action %s", input, action)
// => "invalid input 123 for action UPDATE"

Error checking

If you call a function that returns an error, it is common to store the error value in a variable called err. Before you use the actual result of the function, you need to check that there was no error. We can use == and != to compare the error against nil and we know there was an error when err is not nil.

To avoid nesting the "happy path" of your code, error cases should be handled first, usually via an early return. See this famous article by Mat Ryer for more details.

// Do this:
func myFunc() error {
  file, err := os.Open("./users.csv")
  if err != nil {
    return err
  // do something with file

// Not this:
func myFunc() error {
  file, err := os.Open("./users.csv")
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  } else {
    // do something with file

// Also not this:
func myFunc() error {
  file, err := os.Open("./users.csv")
  if err == nil {
    // do something with file
  // handle err

Most of the time, the error will be returned up the function stack as shown in first example above. Another way of handling the error could be to log it and continue with some other operation. It is good practice to either return or log the error, never both.

Since most functions in Go include an error as one of the return values, you will see/use the if err != nil pattern all over the place in Go code.

Custom error types

If you want your error to include more information than just the error message string, you can create a custom error type. As mentioned before, everything that implements the error interface (i.e. has an Error() string method) can serve as an error in Go.

Usually, a struct is used to create a custom error type. By convention, custom error type names should end with Error. Also, it is best to set up the Error() string method with a pointer receiver, see this Stackoverflow comment to learn about the reasoning. Note that this means you need to return a pointer to your custom error otherwise it will not count as error because the non-pointer value does not provide the Error() string method.

type MyCustomError struct {
  message string
  details string

func (e *MyCustomError) Error() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("%s, details: %s", e.message, e.details)

func someFunction() error {
  // ...
  return &MyCustomError{
    message: "...",
    details: "...",
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