Strings Package

Strings Package in Go

1 exercise

About Strings Package

The strings package contains many useful functions to work on strings:

Function Purpose
ToLower Convert the string to lower case
ToUpper Convert the string to upper case
TrimSpace Trim leading and trailing whitespace
Index Find the index of the first instance of a substring within a string
Replace Replace one occurrence of a substring in a string
ReplaceAll Replace all occurrences of a substring in a string
Split Split a string into parts based on a separator
HasSuffix Check if a string ends with a specific substring
Count Count the number of occurrences of a substring within a string
import "strings"

strings.ToLower("Gopher")    // => "gopher"
strings.Index("Apple", "le") // => 3
strings.Count("test", "t")   // => 2
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