time addition

Leap in Go
// Package leap is a small library for determing if the passed in year is a leap year.
package leap

import "time"

// IsLeapYear returns if the passed in year is a leap year.
func IsLeapYear(year int) bool {
	return time.Date(year, time.February, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Add(time.Duration(time.Hour*24)).Day() == 29

This approach may be considered a "cheat" for this exercise. By adding a day to February 28th for the year, you can see if the new day is the 29th or the 1st. If it is the 29th, then the year is a leap year. This is done by using the time.Add() and time.Day() functions.

8th May 2024 · Found it useful?