
Hamming in Haskell
distance :: String -> String -> Maybe Int
distance xs ys
  | length xs /= length ys = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ length $ filter id (zipWith (/=) xs ys)

The most straightforward way of solving this problem is to

  • first check that the lengths are equal, and then
  • iterate over both inputs together to count their differences.

Higher-order functions

Higher-order functions are functions that take functions as arguments. Examples well-known even outside of Haskell are map and filter.

  • map applies a function to all elements of a list. It returns a list of all the results.
    -- >>> map (* 2) [1 .. 5]
    -- [2,4,6,8,10]
  • filter applies a predicate to all elements of a list. It returns a list with only those elements for which predicate returned True.
    -- >>> filter odd [1 .. 5]
    -- [1,3,5]

Another example that is extremely common in Haskell is the function composition operator (.), which 'chains' two functions into one.

reverseSort :: [Int] -> [Int]
reverseSort = reverse . sort  -- first sort, then reverse

-- >>> reverseSort [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9]
-- [9,5,4,3,1,1]

Still other examples include

  • zipWith, which combines two lists into one using a element-combining function.
    -- >>> zipWith (+) [10, 20, 30] [1, 2, 3]
    -- [11,22,33]
  • uncurry, which turns a function of two arguments into one that accepts a tuple.
    tupleMinus = uncurry (-)
    -- >>> tupleMinus (23, 4)
    -- 19
  • fmap, which does the same as map except it also works for some types that aren't lists.
    -- >>> fmap (+ 1) [1 .. 5]
    -- [2,3,4,5,6]
    -- >>> fmap (+ 1) (Just 7)
    -- Just 8

In this approach

After making sure that the lengths are equal, we count the number of places in which the inputs differ.

The /= operator compares two values and returns True precisely when they are unequal.

-- >>> 4 /= 5
-- True

-- >>> 2 /= 2
-- False

We use zipWith to walk both input lists simultaneously, marking unequal pairs using (/=) as we go.

comparisons =
  zipWith (/=)
    [3, 2, 6]
    [5, 2, 4, 7]

-- >>> comparisons
-- [True,False,True]

zipWith stops as soon as one of its argument lists stops. This is the reason we need to check the lengths separately.

Now, the number of differences between the two inputs is exactly the number of Trues in the list produced by zipWith. We count them using filter and length.

We need to give filter a predicate to filter by. In this case, this predicate should return True when given True and False for False. A function that does this already exists in the Prelude: id is the function that returns its argument unchanged.

We could also have zipped the two lists using the simpler zip function.

pairs =
    [3, 2, 6]
    [5, 2, 4, 7]

-- >>> pairs
-- [(3,5),(2,2),(6,4)]

In that case we would have needed to count the pairs that have the same value in both places. This can still be done using filter, but the required predicate is more complicated. uncurry (/=) is a function that takes a tuple and returns True when the tuple has equal values in both places.

distance :: String -> String -> Maybe Int
distance xs ys
  | length xs /= length ys = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ length $ filter (uncurry (/=)) (zip xs ys)

Considerations on this approach

This style of solution is very easy to understand. This is a very important quality for code to have! Code is primarily meant for humans to reason about, after all.

On the other hand, this solution suffers an inefficiency. Haskell's lists are linked lists. Therefore, length needs to walk its argument entirely. This can take a lot of time for long lists.

length is called three times in this approach, resulting in three separate walks over the inputs. The explicit recursion and worker–wrapper approaches avoid this and instead walk the input exactly once.

11th Sep 2024 · Found it useful?