
Secret Handshake
Secret Handshake in Java
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;

final class HandshakeCalculator {

    public List < Signal > calculateHandshake(int n) {
        IntPredicate isBitOn = bitIndex -> ((1 << bitIndex) & n) > 0;

        List < Signal > signals = IntStream.range(0, Signal.values().length)
            .mapToObj(i -> Signal.values()[i])

        if (isBitOn.test(Signal.values().length)) {
        return signals;

This approach starts by importing from packages for what will be needed.

In the calculateHandshake() method, an IntPredicate is defined which takes an int argument and returns a bool value. The int argument is passed to a lambda which shifts 1 to the left for the number of places of the value of the int index. It does this by use of the left shift operator. So, if the bit index is 2, then 1 would be shifted left two places for a binary value of 0100, which is decimal 4. It then compares the bitwise value with the int argument to the calculateHandshake() method by using the bitwise AND operator.


Although the argument to calculateHandshake() is not directly passed to the lambda, the lambda can use it. To do so is called capturing the variable. To capture a variable, it must be in the enclosing scope of the lambda, and it must be effectively final, meaning that is is not changed in the course of the program.

If comparing the bitwise value with the input results in a non-zero bitwise value, then the input contains the value of the bitwise value.

For example, if the bitwise value is 2 (binary 010) and the input is 6 (binary 110), then ANDing 010 with 110 results in 010, which is not 0, so the input contains bitwise2.

If the bitwise value is 2 (binary 010) and the input is 4 (binary 100), then ANDing 010 with 100 results in 000, which is 0, so the input does not contain bitwise 2.

An IntStream is defined which uses its range() method to iterate from 0 up to but not including the length of the values collection in the Signals enum. The numbers correspond with the indexes of the Signal values.

Each index is passed to the filter() method, where it is passed to the IntPredicate for filtering in only those indexes that are contained in the input number.

The surviving index numbers are passed into the mapToObj() method which takes the index in its lambda and returns the Signal value at that index.

The collect() method assembles the matching Signal values into a List.

The IntPredicate is used once more to compare the input number with the bitwise value 16 (binary 10000). The bit index of 4 to pass in happens to be the length of the Signal values collection. If the input contains bitwise 16, then the List is reversed.

Finally, the List is returned from calculateHandshake().

9th Oct 2024 · Found it useful?