
Closures in JavaScript

1 exercise

About Closures

Closures are a programming pattern in JavaScript that allows variables from an outer lexical scope to be used inside of a nested block of code. JavaScript supports closures transparently, and they are often used without knowing what they are.

// Top-level declarations are global-scope
const dozen = 12;

// Functions create a new function-scope and block-scope.
// Referencing the outer variable here is a closure.
function nDozen(n) {
  return dozen * n;

The name closure is historically derived from λ-calculus and popularized by scheme (source) to reference a function's open and closed variable bindings.

Reasons to use closures in JavaScript

  1. Data Privacy / Data Encapsulation

    • Unlike other languages, in 2020, there was no way to specify private variables. So closures can be used to effectively emulate private variables (there was a proposal to introduce private variable notation, which might have become standard by the time you read this).
    // Consider this function:
    const saveNumber = (number) => {
      // The saved value is unaccessible by the outer lexical scope.
      const value = number;
      // We can provide access to the primitive value with a function, but the original will never change
      return () => value;
    // Attempting to set the variable outside of its lexical scope results in an error
    value = 42;
  2. Partial Application

    • Functions may return functions, and when a returned function uses the argument of the function that created it, this is an example of using a closure to perform partial application. Sometimes this is called currying a function.
    // The arguments are applied one-by-one, using closures to arrive at the final result
    function partialBuildUri(scheme) {
      return function (domain) {
        return function (path) {
          return `${scheme}://${domain}/${path}`;
    // A function could apply them all at once.
    function buildUri(scheme, domain, path) {
      return partialBuildUri(scheme)(domain)(path);
    // Or apply a few to create a flexible system of functions for reuse.
    function buildHttpsExercismUri(path) {
      return partialBuildUri('https')('');

Lexical Scope for variables

In any programming language, Closures are closely related to variable scope. In JavaScript, there are 3 types of lexical scope for variables:

  1. Global-scope: These are variables that are declared outside of functions and blocks.
  2. Function-scope: These are variables declared within a function using the var keyword.
  3. Block-scope: These are variables declared within a block ({...}) using the let and const keywords.

In practice, a closure often occurs when a function (or block) uses a variable from an outer scope. In JavaScript, this is supported transparently, so closures are often used without specific reference.


The var keyword defines a function-scoped variable. This means that variables defined by var are available anywhere in the function where they are defined and any nested lexical scope (either function or block).

  var five = 5;

// This will succeed because 'five' exists in the same scope
var tenTimes = five * 10;


The let and const keywords define block-scoped variables. let defines a mutable variable, whose value may be set multiple times and may be defined but not initialized. const defines a variable which must be initialized when it is defined, and its value then may not change. If the const variable is set to a primitive value, it may not be mutated. If the const variable is set to a reference value, like an array or object, the reference may not change but the array's contents may be mutated.

Consider this block:

// 'two' is defined at the top-level, therefore available to the global-scope
const two = 2;

  // This succeeds, as 'two' is available from the outer lexical scope
  const oneLess = two - 1;

// This throws an error because oneLess is not defined outside of the previous inner lexical scope

While we can use braces ({...}) arbitrarily to create blocks, they are most often encountered surrounding if-statements, functions, and classes.

const PI = 3.14;

// This function uses a closure for the value of PI (Ï€)
function areaOfCircle(radius) {
  return PI * radius * radius;
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Learn Closures