Null and Undefined

Null and Undefined in JavaScript

1 exercise

About Null and Undefined

In contrast to many other languages, there are two different entities in JavaScript that represent the absence of a (meaningful) value. There is null and undefined.


The primitive value null is used as an intentional "empty value" for a variable. In other languages, a similar construct might be used only for (missing) objects or pointer types. In JavaScript null generally represents an empty value for any type.

let name = null;
// name is intentionally set to "empty" because it is not
// available

You can check whether a variable is null by using the strict equality operator ===. Although null is a primitive value, the typeof operator "wrongly" returns object for historic reasons. That means it cannot be used by itself to check whether a variable is null.

let name = null;

name === null;
// => true

// Pitfall:
typeof name;
// => 'object'


A variable that has not been assigned a value is of type undefined.1

That means while null represents an empty value (but still a value), undefined represents the total absence of a value. 🤯

undefined appears in different contexts.

  • If a variable is declared without a value (initialization), it is undefined.
  • If you try to access a value for a non-existing key in an object, you get undefined.
  • If a function does not return a value, the result is undefined.
  • If an argument is not passed to a function, it is undefined, unless that argument has a default value.
let name;
// => undefined

let obj = { greeting: 'hello world' };
// => undefined

function returnNothing() {
// => undefined

You can check whether a variable is undefined using the strict equality operator === or the typeof operator.

let name;

name === undefined;
// => true

typeof name === 'undefined';
// => true

It is not recommended to manually assign undefined to a variable, always use null instead to make it clear you set an empty value intentionally.

Optional Chaining

As mentioned above, accessing a non-existent key in an object returns undefined in JavaScript. However, if you try to retrieve a nested value and the parent key does not exist, the evaluation of the nested key is performed on undefined and leads to TypeError: Cannot read property ... of undefined. Theoretically, you would always need to check the parent key exists before you can try to retrieve the nested key. This was often done with the AND operator && but for deeply nested values this leads to very lengthy expressions.

obj.level1 && obj.level1.level2 && obj.level1.level2.level3;

To solve this problem, optional chaining was added to the language specification in 2020. With the optional chaining operator ?. you can ensure that JavaScript only tries to access the nested key if the parent was not null or undefined. Otherwise undefined is returned.

const obj = {
  address: {
    street: 'Trincomalee Highway',
    city: 'Batticaloa',

// => undefined

// => undefined

// => TypeError: Cannot read property 'street' of undefined

// => undefined

// => undefined

Nullish Coalescing

There are situations where you want to apply a default value in case a variable is null or undefined. In the past this was often done with a ternary operator ? or by utilizing lazy evaluation of the OR operator ||. This has the disadvantage that the default value is applied in all cases where the variable is falsy (e.g. '' or 0), not only when it is null or undefined. This can easily cause unexpected outcomes.

let amount = null;
amount = amount || 1;
// => 1

amount = 0;
amount = amount || 1;
// => 1

amount = 0;
amount ? amount : 1;
// => 1

To address this, the nullish coalescing operator ?? was introduced. Just like optional chaining, it was added to the language specification in 2020. The nullish coalescing operator ?? returns the right-hand side operand only when the left-hand side operand is null or undefined. Otherwise, the left-hand side operand is returned. With that, a default value can now be applied more specifically.

let amount = null;
amount = amount ?? 1;
// => 1

amount = 0;
amount = amount ?? 1;
// => 0

[1] Undefined, MDN. (2021). (accessed June 4, 2021).

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Learn Null and Undefined