
Conditionals in jq

7 exercises

About Conditionals

If Expression

jq's conditional expression is if A then B else C end.

if-then-else is a filter like all jq builtins: it takes an input and produces an output.

If the expression A produces a "truthy" value, then the if filter evaluates B. Otherwise it evaluates C. The input to the if filter will be passed to B or C.

42 | if . < 50 then "small" else "big" end      # => "small"
5 | if . % 2 == 0 then . / 2 else . * 4 end     # => 20

The else clause is optional in the current jq release (version 1.7): the following two statements are equivalent.

if A then B else . end
if A then B end

The else clause is mandatory in the previous v1.6 release. Omitting it produces errors.

$ /bin/jq --version
$ /bin/jq -n 'if 1 < 2 then "OK" end'
jq: error: syntax error, unexpected end (Unix shell quoting issues?) at <top-level>, line 1:
if 1 < 2 then "OK" end
jq: error: Possibly unterminated 'if' statement at <top-level>, line 1:
if 1 < 2 then "OK" end
jq: 2 compile errors

Nested If-Statements

Further conditions can be added with elif.

42 | if . < 33 then "small"
     elif . < 66 then "medium"
     else "big"
# => "medium"

Use as many elif clauses as you need.


The only "false" values in jq are: false and null. Everything else is "true", even the number zero and the empty string, array and object.

Boolean Operators

The boolean operators and and or can be used to build complex queries.

42 | if . < 33 or . > 66 then "big or small"
     else "medium"

To negate, use not. This is a filter not an operator.

42 | if (. < 33 or . > 66 | not) then "medium"
     else "big or small"

Alternative Operator

The alternative operator allows you to specify a "default" value if an expression is false or null.

A // B

# This is identical to
if A then A else B end

To demonstrate

[3, 5, 18] | add / 2       # => 13
[]         | add / 2       # => error: null (null) and number (2) cannot be divided
[]         | add // 0 / 2  # => 0

Are there more?

Programmers coming from different languages might be expecting a wider variety of conditional commands, such as cond, case, switch, when, unless, a ternary operator, etc. The operators listed above are everything that jq offers.

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