
Functions in jq

2 exercises

About Functions

You can define your own custom functions in jq to encapsulate whatever logic you need. Functions act just like builtins: they take an input and emit zero, one or more outputs.

Defining a function

You can define a jq function using the following syntax:

# no arguments
def funcname: expression;

# or with arguments
def funcname(args): expression;
  • starts with def keyword,
  • a colon before the function body,
  • the body consists of a single expression,
  • ends with a semicolon,
  • like the rest of jq syntax, you can use arbitrary whitespace for readability.

Where to put functions

Functions must be defined before they are used: this is an error:

def A: B(10);
def B(n): n + 1;
# => error: B/1 is not defined

This implies you have to place functions at the top of your jq code, prior to the "main" expression.

Nested functions

Functions can be nested:

def A:
    def B(n): n + 1;
# => 11

Here, the B function is only visible in the body of A.


A function introduces a new scope for variables and nested functions.


Function arguments are separated by semi-colons not commas. For example, a function that takes a number, and then adds a number and multiplies by a number:

def add_mul(adder; multiplier): (. + adder) * multiplier;

10 | add_mul(5; 4)    # => 60

Semi-colons are needed because comma already has a purpose in jq: an operator that joins streams.

Using a comma instead of a semi-colon will attempt to make two calls to a 1-argument add_mul function, which doesn't exist and therefore will fail on the first attempted call:

10 | add_mul(5, 4)
# error: add_mul/1 is not defined

The comma in 5, 4 concatenates the numbers 5 and 4 into a stream. When we call a function with a stream as an argument, jq will call that function multiple times, once for each value in the stream. This is an example of the "implicit iteration" inherent in jq streams. 10 | add_mul(5, 4) is equivalent to the following.

(10 | add_mul(5)), (10 | add_mul(4))

Now we can see how the add_mul/1 is not defined error pops up.

Arguments are expressions

Function arguments are filters, not values. In this sense, they act like what other languages describe as callbacks:

Using the add_mul function as an example:

10 | add_mul(. + 5; . - 2)    # => 200

What's happening here?

  • the adder argument gets the expression . + 5
    • when the function does . + adder, that becomes . + . + 5
    • that evaluates to 25 since . == 10
  • similarly, the multiplier argument is the expression . - 2
    • that evaluates to 8
    • then the result is 25 * 8 == 200

Arguments as values

Sometimes you'll want to "materialize" an argument into a variable:

def my_func(arg):
    arg as $arg
    | other stuff ...

There's a shorthand for this:

def my_func($arg):
    other stuff ...

Take note that this is just "syntactic sugar": the name arg with no $ is still in scope in the function.


For example, I wrote something like this to solve an exercise:

# function that encodes the input value
def code:
    # expression here

def equals($code):
    (. | code) as $this_code
    | $code == $this_code

("some key value" | code) as $key
| ["array", "of", "values"]
| map(select(equals($key)))

and I was surprised that every value of the array equalled the key.

This happened because jq saw the equals function as

def equals(code):
    code as $code
    | (. | code) as $this_code
    | $code == $this_code

The argument code overrode the previously defined function code. That meant (. | code) simply outputs the argument instead of calculating a new code based on the input value. Thus $this_code and $code were always the same.


Functions have an arity -- the number of arguments they take.

Functions can use the same name with different arities. The builtin range function demonstrates this: range/1, range/2 and range/3 all co-exist.

This can be useful for defining recursive functions that carry state via arguments. For example map could be implemented like:

def my_map($accumulator; func):
    if length == 0
        then $accumulator
        else first as $elem | .[1:] | my_map($accumulator + [$elem | func]; func)

def my_map(func):
    my_map([]; func)

[1, 2, 3, 4] | my_map(. * 10)   # => [10, 20, 30, 40]


jq will perform tailcall optimization, but for 0-arity functions only.


A jq module is a file containing only functions. Modules are included into a jq program with the include or import commands.

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