
Classes in PHP

1 exercise

About Classes

Classes are a unit of code organization in PHP. Code represents the behavior of an item or the behavior of a process can be grouped together as a class. Functions that are assigned to a class are called methods by convention.


class Door
    function lock()
        // ...

    function unlock()
        // ...

Classes are instantiated with the new keyword, this allocates memory for the class instance and calls the classes constructor method. Instantiated classes may be assigned to a variable. To invoke the methods of a class instance, we can use the -> access operator.


$a_door = new Door();

An instantiated class may reference its own instance using the special $this variable. Classes may also have properties, these act as variables that are tied to the instance of the class object. These properties may be referenced internally or externally.


class Car
    public $color;

    function __construct($color)
        $this->color = $color;

    function getColor()
        return $this->color;

$a_car = new Car("red");
$a_car->color; // => "red" by accessing the property
$a_car->getColor(); // => "red" by invoking the instance method
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