Regular expression

Acronym in PowerShell
Function Get-Acronym() {
    Param (
    (-join ([regex]::Matches($Phrase, "\p{L}+'?\p{L}*") | ForEach-Object { $_.Value[0] })).ToUpper()

This approach use the regex class from .NET to match potential words inside the phrase using a specific pattern.

[regex]::Matches($Phrase, "\p{L}+'?\p{L}*")

The pattern match any regular word and those that have apostrophe inside it, for example doesn't or Halley's in a test case. We then collect the matched objects and loop over them, extracting the match value first index, which is the first char of each word.

ForEach-Object { $_.Value[0] }

Then we call the -join operator upon the collection to turn this into a string, and then call the string method .ToUpper() to make sure it is all in uppercase to fit with acronym behavior.

Regex expression for .NET

19th Feb 2025 · Found it useful?