Boolean Chaining

Leap in Pyret
fun leap(year):
  fun year-is-divisible-by(divisor):
    num-equal(num-modulo(year, divisor), 0)

  year-is-divisible-by(4) and (not(year-is-divisible-by(100)) or year-is-divisible-by(400))

This approach uses a helper function year-is-divisible-by and the Boolean operators and and or to run each check (divisible by 4, not divisible by 100, and divisible by 400) in order, producing a single Boolean value at the end. The and operator returns true when both sides are true but false otherwise. The or operator returns false when both sides are false but true otherwise.

n1 n2 n1 OR n2 n1 AND n2
false false false false
false true true false
true false true false
true true true true

Both operators can short-circuit which means in some scenarios, the operators don't evaluate the expression to the right. For and, if the left side produces false, that value is returned immediately. For or, if the left side produces true, that value is returned immediately.

We can now test if a year is evenly divisible by 4, 100, and 400. All leap years are divisible by 4 but not by 100 unless they're also divisible by 100.

year year % 4 == 0 year % 100 != 0 year % 400 == 0 is leap year
2020 true true (not evaluated) true
2019 false (not evaluated) (not evaluated) false
2000 true false true true
1900 true false false false
5th Feb 2025 · Found it useful?