
Basics in Python

112 exercises

About Basics

Python is a dynamic and strongly typed programming language. It employs both duck typing and gradual typing, via type hints. Imperative, declarative (e.g., functional), and object-oriented programming styles are all supported, but internally everything in Python is an object.

Python puts a strong emphasis on code readability and (similar to Haskell) uses significant indentation to denote function, method, and class definitions.

Python was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. The Python Software Foundation manages and directs resources for Python and CPython development and receives proposals for changes to the language from members of the community via Python Enhancement Proposals or PEPs.

Complete documentation for the current release can be found at

This first concept introduces 4 major Python language features:

  1. Name Assignment (variables and constants),
  2. Functions (the def keyword and the return keyword),
  3. Comments, and
  4. Docstrings.

In general, content, tests, and analyzer tooling for the Python track follow the style conventions outlined in PEP 8 and PEP 257 for Python code style, with the additional (strong) suggestion that there be no single letter variable names.

The zen of Python (PEP 20) and What is Pythonic? lay out additional philosophies.

On the Python track, variables are always written in snake_case, and constants in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE

Name Assignment (Variables & Constants)

In Python, there are no keywords used in creating variables or constants. Instead, programmers can bind names (also called variables) to any type of object using the assignment = operator: <name> = <value>. A name can be reassigned (or re-bound) to different values (different object types) over its lifetime.

For example, my_first_variable can be re-assigned many times using =, and can refer to different object types with each re-assignment:

>>> my_first_variable = 1  # my_first_variable bound to an integer object of value one.
>>> my_first_variable = 2  # my_first_variable re-assigned to integer value 2.

>>> print(type(my_first_variable))
<class 'int'>

>>> print(my_first_variable)

>>> my_first_variable = "Now, I'm a string." # You may re-bind a name to a different object type and value.
>>> print(type(my_first_variable))
<class 'str'>

>>> print(my_first_variable)
"Now, I'm a string."  # Strings can be declared using single or double quote marks.

import collections
>>> my_first_variable = collections.Counter([1,1,2,3,3,3,4,5,6,7]) # Now my_first_variable has been re-bound to a Counter object.
>>> print(type(my_first_variable))
<class 'collections.Counter'>

>>> print(my_first_variable)
>>> Counter({3: 3, 1: 2, 2: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1})


Constants are names meant to be assigned only once in a program. They should be defined at a module (file) level, and are typically visible to all functions and classes in the program. Using SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE signals that the name should not be re-assigned, or its value mutated.

# All caps signal that this is intended as a constant.

# Re-assignment will be allowed by the compiler & interpreter,
# but this is VERY strongly discouraged.
# Please don't do this, it could create problems in your program!
MY_FIRST_CONSTANT = "Some other value"


In Python, units of functionality are encapsulated in functions., which are themselves objects (it's turtles all the way down).

Functions can be executed by themselves, passed as arguments to other functions, nested, or bound to a class. When functions are bound to a class name, they're referred to as methods. Related functions and classes (with their methods) can be grouped together in the same file or module, and imported in part or in whole for use in other programs.

The def keyword begins a function definition. Each function can have zero or more formal parameters in () parenthesis, followed by a : colon. Statements for the body of the function begin on the line following def and must be indented in a block.

# The body of a function is indented by 2 spaces, & prints the sum of the numbers.
def add_two_numbers(number_one, number_two):
  total = number_one + number_two

>>> add_two_numbers(3, 4)

# Inconsistent indentation in your code blocks will raise an error.
>>> def add_three_numbers_misformatted(number_one, number_two, number_three):
...     result = number_one + number_two + number_three   # This was indented by 4 spaces.
...    print(result)     #this was only indented by 3 spaces
  File "<stdin>", line 3
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

Functions explicitly return a value or object via the return keyword. Functions that do not have an explicit return expression will implicitly return None.

# Function definition on first line.
def add_two_numbers(number_one, number_two):
  result = number_one + number_two
  return result  # Returns the sum of the numbers.

>>> add_two_numbers(3, 4)

# This function will return None.
def add_two_numbers(number_one, number_two):
  result = number_one + number_two

>>> print(add_two_numbers(5, 7))

Calling Functions

Functions are called or invoked using their name followed by (). Dot (.) notation is used for calling functions defined inside a class or module.

>>> def number_to_the_power_of(number_one, number_two):
        return number_one ** number_two

>>> number_to_the_power_of(3,3) # Invoking the function with the arguments 3 and 3.

# A mis-match between the number of parameters and the number of arguments will raise an error.
>>> number_to_the_power_of(4,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: number_to_the_power_of() missing 1 required positional argument: 'number_two'

# Calling methods or functions in classes and modules.
>>> start_text = "my silly sentence for examples."
>>> str.upper(start_text)  # Calling the upper() method for the built-in str class.

# Importing the math module
import math

>>> math.pow(2,4)  # Calling the pow() function from the math module
>>> 16.0


Comments in Python start with a # that is not part of a string, and end at line termination. Unlike many other programming languages, Python does not support multi-line comment marks. Each line of a comment block must start with the # character.

Comments are ignored by the interpreter:

# This is a single line comment.

x = "foo"  # This is an in-line comment.

# This is a multi-line
# comment block over multiple lines --
# these should be used sparingly.


The first statement of a function body can optionally be a docstring, which concisely summarizes the function or object's purpose. Docstrings are declared using triple double quotes (""") indented at the same level as the code block:

# An example from PEP257 of a multi-line docstring.
def complex(real=0.0, imag=0.0):
    """Form a complex number.

    Keyword arguments:
    real -- the real part (default 0.0)
    imag -- the imaginary part (default 0.0)

    if imag == 0.0 and real == 0.0:
        return complex_zero

Docstrings are read by automated documentation tools and are returned by calling the special attribute .__doc__ on the function, method, or class name. They are recommended for programs of any size where documentation is needed, and their conventions are laid out in PEP257.

Docstrings can also function as lightweight unit tests, which can be read and run by PyTest, or by importing the doctest module. Testing and doctest will be covered in a later concept.

# An example on a user-defined function.
>>> def number_to_the_power_of(number_one, number_two):
        """Raise a number to an arbitrary power.

        :param number_one: int the base number.
        :param number_two: int the power to raise the base number to.
        :return: int - number raised to power of second number

        Takes number_one and raises it to the power of number_two, returning the result.

        return number_one ** number_two

# Calling the .__doc__ attribute of the function and printing the result.
>>> print(number_to_the_power_of.__doc__)
Raise a number to an arbitrary power.

    :param number_one: int the base number.
    :param number_two: int the power to raise the base number to.
    :return: int - number raised to power of second number

    Takes number_one and raises it to the power of number_two, returning the result.

# Printing the __doc__ attribute for the built-in type: str.
>>> print(str.__doc__)
str(object='') -> str
str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str

Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or
errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer
that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler.
Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined)
or repr(object).
encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding().
errors defaults to 'strict'.
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