def roman(number):
# The notation: I, V, X, L, C, D, M = 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000
m = number // 1000
m_rem = number % 1000
c = m_rem // 100
c_rem = m_rem % 100
x = c_rem // 10
x_rem = c_rem % 10
i = x_rem
res = ''
if m > 0:
res += m * 'M'
if 4 > c > 0:
res += c * 'C'
elif c == 4:
res += 'CD'
elif 9 > c > 4:
res += 'D' + ((c - 5) * 'C')
elif c == 9:
res += 'CM'
if 4 > x > 0:
res += x * 'X'
elif x == 4:
res += 'XL'
elif 9 > x > 4:
res += 'L' + ((x - 5) * 'X')
elif x == 9:
res += 'XC'
if 4 > i > 0:
res += i * 'I'
elif i == 4:
res += 'IV'
elif 9 > i > 4:
res += 'V' + ((i - 5) * 'I')
elif i == 9:
res += 'IX'
return res
This gets the job done.
Something like it would work in most languages, though Python's range test (a > x > b
) saves some boolean logic.
The code above is quite long and a bit repetitive. We should explore ways to make it more concise.
The first block is just a way to extract the digits from the input number. This can be done with a list comprehension, left-padding with zeros as necessary:
digits = ([0, 0, 0, 0] + [int(d) for d in str(number)])[-4:]
The blocks for hundreds, tens and units are all essentially the same, so we can put that code in a function.
We just need to pass in the digit, plus a tuple of translations for (1, 4, 5, 9)
or their 10x and 100x equivalents.
It is also unnecessary to keep retesting the lower bounds within an elif
, as the code line will only be reached if that is satisfied.
Using return
instead of elif
is a matter of personal preference.
Given that, the code simplifies to:
def roman(number: int) -> str:
def translate_digit(digit: int, translations: iter) -> str:
assert isinstance(digit, int) and 0 <= digit <= 9
units, four, five, nine = translations
if digit < 4:
return digit * units
if digit == 4:
return four
if digit < 9:
return five + (digit - 5) * units
return nine
assert isinstance(number, int)
m, c, x, i = ([0, 0, 0, 0] + [int(d) for d in str(number)])[-4:]
res = ''
if m > 0:
res += m * 'M'
if c > 0:
res += translate_digit(c, ('C', 'CD', 'D', 'CM'))
if x > 0:
res += translate_digit(x, ('X', 'XL', 'L', 'XC'))
if i > 0:
res += translate_digit(i, ('I', 'IV', 'V', 'IX'))
return res
The last few lines are quite similar and it would be possible to refactor them into a loop, but this is enough to illustrate the principle.