grouped with map and takeWhile

Protein Translation
Protein Translation in Scala
object ProteinTranslation {

  def proteins(input: String): Seq[String] = {
    input.grouped(3).map(codonsToProteins).takeWhile(_ != "STOP").toSeq

  private def codonsToProteins(codon: String): String = {

    codon match {
      case "AUG"                         => "Methionine"
      case "UUU" | "UUC"                 => "Phenylalanine"
      case "UUA" | "UUG"                 => "Leucine"
      case "UCU" | "UCC" | "UCA" | "UCG" => "Serine"
      case "UAU" | "UAC"                 => "Tyrosine"
      case "UGU" | "UGC"                 => "Cysteine"
      case "UGG"                         => "Tryptophan"
      case "UAA" | "UAG" | "UGA"         => "STOP"

This approach starts by calling the grouped() method on the input String. It will take a sequence of Chars up to the amount passed in.


The grouped() treats a String as a plain sequence of Char code units and makes no attempt to keep surrogate pairs or codepoint sequences together. The user is responsible for making sure such cases are handled correctly. Failing to do so may result in an invalid Unicode String. The grouped() method works here because all of the characters are ASCII.

If the remaining number of Charss is less than the argument, grouped() will return those, and will be an empty Iterator if no Chars are left. The Chars are chained to the map() method which passes them to the codonsToProteins() method, which accepts them as a String.

The codonsToProteins() method uses a match to look up the protein for the codon and returns the protein from the method.

The proteins are chained to the takeWhile() method which keeps requesting codons until they run out or a STOP codon is received.

Once all of the valid codons have been translated, the proteins() method returns a sequence of the proteins.

1st Jan 2025 · Found it useful?