Testing on the 8th track

Learn how to test your 8th exercises on Exercism

You can use the online editor on the Exercism website to solve the exercises. Or, download the exercises to your computer, solve them locally and then submit them to Exercism. The rest of this document talks about working locally.

Exercism CLI

You will need the exercism command-line tool to download and submit exercises. See the exercism cli documentation for instructions to download and configure it.

To download an exercise, do this:

exercism download --track 8th --exercise hello-world

And change to the exercise directory:

cd /path/to/your/exercism_workspace/8th/hello-world

or if you are on Windows:

cd \path\to\your\exercism_workspace\8th\hello-world

Note you can get your exercism workspace using the exercism configure command.

Testing locally

To run the tests for an exercise, you must be in the correct exercise directory. Then launch the tests with this command:

8th -f test.8th

Skipped tests

Solving an exercise means making all its tests pass. By default, only one test (the first one) is executed when you run the tests. This is intentional, as it allows you to focus on just making that one test pass. Once it passes, you can enable the next test by moving the SKIP-REST-OF-TESTS line below it.

Overriding skips

To run all tests, including the ones after the SKIP-REST-OF-TESTS word, you can set an environment variable RUN_ALL_TESTS to the value true. One way to set this just for the duration of running the tests is (macOS and Linux):

RUN_ALL_TESTS=true 8th -f test.8th

Submit your solution

To upload your solution to the Exercism website using the exercism tool:

exercism submit

Note that you can upload your code even if it is not passing all the tests. This is good if you are stuck and need some help from a mentor.