Clone the ABAP track

Instructions on how to clone the ABAP track to your own system


  1. ABAP system release 7.4 or higher
  2. abapGit v1.115.0 or higher
  3. Authorizations to implement ABAP packages, programs, and classes

Installing abapGit

The ABAP track with all exercises is implemented as an abapGit repository. To clone the track to your own system, you first have to install abapGit.

  1. Go to
  2. Download the zabapgit.abap file
  3. Create program zabapgit_standalone in your own system
  4. Upload the source from zabapgit.abap to program zabapgit_standalone
  5. Activate the program

Installing Exercism ABAP Track

Online Repository

Use this method if your system is connected to the Internet and has access to (recommended approach).

  1. Run abapGit

abapGit Online Repo

  1. On the "Repository Overview", select "New Online"
  2. Enter the following values
  • URL:
  • Package: $exer
  • Display Name: Exercism - ABAP Track

abapGit Online Repo

  1. Select "Create Online Repository". You should see a list of objects with the status "A":

abapGit Online Repo

  1. Select "Pull" to clone all objects to your system. Once completed you should see all objects with a blank status

abapGit Online Repo

Offline Repository

Use this method if your system is not connected to the Internet.

  1. Go to
  2. Download the repository ZIP file

abapGit Offline Repo

  1. Run abapGit
  2. On the "Repository Overview", select "New Offline"
  3. Enter the following values
  • Repository Name: Exercism - ABAP Track
  • Package: $exer

abapGit Offline Repo

  1. Select "Create Offline Repository"

abapGit Offline Repo

  1. Select "Import ZIP" and pick the downloaded ZIP file. You should see a list of objects with the status "A":

abapGit Offline Repo

  1. Select "Pull ZIP" to clone all objects to your system. Once completed you should see all objects with a blank status

abapGit Offline Repo

Uninstalling Exercism ABAP Track

You can remove all objects from your system in the following way:

  1. Run abapGit
  2. Go to the Execism - ABAP Track repository
  3. Select "Advanced > Uninstall"
  4. Confirm the deletion of all objects and the repository


  • In case of connection issues, check SSL Setup
  • In case of error Package $EXERCISM_DIFFERENCE-OF-SQUARES exceeds ABAP 30-characters name limit, please use a shorter package name like $exer.
  • Some files will show diffs after pulling into your ABAP system. Differences related to end-of-file characters or byte-order-marks can be ignored.