Installing Arturo locally

Learn how to install Arturo locally to solve Exercism's exercises on your own machine

Arturo comes with pre-built binaries for Linux, MacOS, and Windows in full, mini, and safe build flavors. For this track, we'll be using the nightly full build release of Arturo which includes the entire standard library and mostly notably package manager support.

For further assistance installing Arturo, please consult the official Arturo Discord.

Downloading Nightly

On the nightly Arturo build page, find the latest full release for your current platform. The page lists the pre-built releases as arturo_<version>-<year>-<month>-<date>-<platform>-full. For example, the latest full build for Linux as of this writing is arturo_0.9.83-2024-06-12-linux-full. Download the correct release for your platform and extract the arturo binary from the archive. Move that binary to a directory on your system's PATH environment variable. Common locatons might be /usr/local/bin or ~/.local/bin on Linux or perhaps C:\arturo on Windows. You can verify the binary is on your PATH by running arturo --version at the command-line. That should print something like arturo v/0.9.83 b/3112 (amd64/linux), and the specific version and platform identifiers may be different for you.

Running Arturo code

At that point, you're ready to start writing Arturo code! To access the Arturo REPL interactive console, run arturo at the command-line. To execute an Arturo script, run arturo <file> at the command-line inside. To import packages, run import "<package-name>"! inside the REPL. If the package is not already installed, Arturo will download and install the package for you. You can find packages using Packager, the official Arturo package registry.