Installing Cairo locally

Learn how to install Cairo locally to solve Exercism's exercises on your own machine

Cairo can be installed by simply downloading Scarb. Scarb bundles the Cairo compiler and the Cairo language server together in an easy-to-install package so that you can start writing Cairo code right away. Scarb is also Cairo's package manager.

To get the recommended installation instructions for your platform, head over to the official Cairo website.

By operating system:

  • Linux/MacOS
    1. Install asdf
    2. Install scarb
    3. Verify installation in a new terminal session scarb --version
  • Windows
    1. Install scarb
    2. Verify installation in a new terminal session scarb --version

Having the toolchain installed is not everything! IDE support is a huge productivity boost that most developers have come to expect. If you are using Visual Studio Code, we recommend you install the Cairo extension, which provides syntax highlighting, code completion, and other useful features!