Installing CoffeeScript locally

Learn how to install CoffeeScript locally to solve Exercism's exercises on your own machine

Install Node.js

Windows and OS X users: Install Node.js via package manager.

Linux users: Install Node.js via the instructions found for your distribution on the Node.js package manager.

Install jasmine-node and coffeescript

For most users this will be as simple as running the following command:

$ npm install -g jasmine-node coffeescript

Depending on your setup, you may need super user privileges to install an npm module globally. This is the case if you've used the official installer linked to above. If NPM gives you an error saying you don't have access, add sudo to the command above:

$ sudo npm install -g jasmine-node coffeescript

If you've used the official installer, your PATH should have been automatically configured, but if your shell has trouble locating your globally installed modules--or if you build Node.js from source. Then update your PATH to include the npm binaries by adding the following to either ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc:

$ export PATH=/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH