Testing on the D track

Learn how to test your D exercises on Exercism

Each exercise supplies the unit tests. You provide the implementation. Each file will produce a console executable that runs the tests. Running the test executable prints messages for each failing test and reports a non-zero exit status when tests fail.

Note Your code is being tested against the test suite every time you build your project. If your code does not pass the one or more tests but is valid D code, it will still be compiled.

Working through each exercise is a process of:

  • Running the tests with dub test
    • If you have chosen not to install DUB, you would instead use dmd source/*.d -de -w -main -unittest, then run the resulting binary.
  • For each unit test:
    • Satisfy compile errors to make the test fail.
    • Implement just enough to make the test pass.
    • Refactor your implementation to enhance readability, reduce duplication, etc.
    • Enable the next test

Note: D has support for unit testing direct in the language so usually the unit tests reside in the same file as the implementation. The unittests are run before the body of main and are enabled in the final executable by using the -unittest compiler switch.

@TODO add IDE related instructions.