Testing on the Java track

Learn how to test your Java exercises on Exercism

Choose your operating system:


  1. Open a Command Prompt.

  2. Get the first exercise:

    C:\Users\JohnDoe>exercism download --exercise hello-world --track java
  3. Change directory into the exercism:

    C:\Users\JohnDoe>cd C:\Users\JohnDoe\exercism\java\hello-world
  4. Run the tests:

    C:\Users\JohnDoe>gradlew.bat test

    (Don't worry about the tests failing, at first, this is how you begin each exercise.)

  5. Solve the exercise. Find and work through the instructions.append.md guide (view on GitHub).

Good luck! Have fun!


  1. In the terminal window, get the first exercise:

    exercism download --exercise hello-world --track java
  2. Change directory into the exercise:

    cd /Users/johndoe/exercism/java/hello-world
  3. Run the tests:

    ./gradlew test

    (Don't worry about the tests failing, at first, this is how you begin each exercise.)

  4. Solve the exercise. Find and work through the instructions.append.md guide (view on GitHub).

Good luck! Have fun!


  1. In the terminal window, get the first exercise:

    exercism download --exercise hello-world --track java
  2. Change directory into the exercise:

    cd /home/johndoe/exercism/java/hello-world
  3. Run the tests:

    ./gradlew test

    (Don't worry about the tests failing, at first, this is how you begin each exercise.)

    If you get the following error:

    ./gradlew: Permission denied

    Then the file is missing the execute permission. To fis this, run:

    chmod +x ./gradlew

    And now you should be able to run the previous command.

  4. Solve the exercise. Find and work through the instructions.append.md guide (view on GitHub).

Good luck! Have fun!