Testing on the JavaScript track

Learn how to test your JavaScript exercises on Exercism

Execute the tests with:

corepack pnpm test

Be sure your code follows best practices and coding styles, as other users do, with ESLint, a tool to perform static analysis on your code. Sometimes, tools like this save you some time detecting typos or silly mistakes in your JavaScript code:

corepack pnpm lint

You can also run Jest in "watch" mode, which will re-run your tests automatically when you save changes to the code or test module:

corepack pnpm watch

Understanding Skip Tests

The skip method instructs the test suite to not run a test, this function could be used also under the aliases: it.skip(name, fn) or xit(name, fn) or xtest(name, fn)

  • Why they are skipped ?

To enable users to concentrate on one test at a time and enable one by one as they evolve the solution.

  • How to enable them ?

Change xtest to test.

test('title cased phrases', () => {
  expect(Acronyms.parse('Portable Network Graphics')).toEqual('PNG');

Making Your First JavaScript 2015 Module

Usually, tests on this track will load your implementation by importing it as a JavaScript module: import { Bob } from './bob.js';. You just need to export your implementation from the referenced file, bob.js:

export function hey(message) {}

You can find more information about modules in the Babel documentation. To make it easier to get started, there is a skeleton JavaScript file in the directory.