How to learn Standard ML

An overview of how to get started from scratch with Standard ML

Exercism provides exercises and feedback but ML can be difficult to jump into for those learning SML for the first time. These resources can help you get started:

I've never programmed before

ML is probably not the best language for new programmers. You are probably better off starting with a language like Ruby or Python, but if you are feeling particularly bold you might want to read Programming in Standard ML '97: An On-line Tutorial I suggest skipping the introduction and jumping straight to Simple applicative programming , because the introduction is very technical.

Coursera offers a course on programming languages. The course is aimed at somewhat experienced programmers, but it's hard to find a better introduction to the ML language.

I've heard of functional programming

A good read is Programming in Standard ML '97: An On-line Tutorial.

Another is A Gentle Introduction to ML.

Coursera offers a course on programming languages. It's hard to find a better introduction to the ML language.

The SML/NJ site lists a number of books. Most are quite old and are probably hard to find though. The language hasn't changed much so if you can find them, don't think that they are that out of date. Also check the Four Lectures on Standard ML listed on the page.

I am a confident programmer

If you are a confident programmer and if you are very familiar with functional languages, than you can get a good overview of the syntax at Learn X in Y minutes

The Four Lectures on Standard ML are a good introduction.