Every employee of ABC Corp receives an unlimited fuel allowance. Employees are required to send a record every time they fill up their vehicles. These records are appended to the same JSON file and processed at the month's end.
As a member of the digital operations team, your task is to read this JSON file and write the results to another JSON file. The output file should contain an entry for each employee with the following details:
You are given two string
Input JSON file contains an array of JSON objects. Each JSON object takes the following form.
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"employeeId": {
"type": "integer"
"odometerReading": {
"type": "integer"
"gallons": {
"type": "number"
"gasPrice": {
"type": "number"
"required": [
// Ballerina record type definition
type FillUpEntry record {|
int employeeId;
int odometerReading;
decimal gallons;
decimal gasPrice;
Your task is to transform the JSON input to the following JSON format and write the content to the given path. The output file should contain an entry for each employee, sorted in ascending order by the employeeId
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"employeeId": {
"type": "integer"
"gasFillUpCount": {
"type": "integer"
"totalFuelCost": {
"type": "number"
"totalGallons": {
"type": "number"
"totalMilesAccrued": {
"type": "integer"
"required": [
// Ballerina record type definition
type EmployeeFillUpSummary record {|
int employeeId;
int gasFillUpCount;
decimal totalFuelCost;
decimal totalGallons;
int totalMilesAccrued;
in the input JSON file: 0 <= n <= 1000example01_input.json
"employeeId": 2312,
"odometerReading": 230,
"gallons": 18.561,
"gasPrice": 4.56
"employeeId": 2312,
"odometerReading": 500,
"gallons": 19.345,
"gasPrice": 4.89
"employeeId": 2312,
"gasFillUpCount": 2,
"totalFuelCost": 179.23521,
"totalGallons": 37.906,
"totalMilesAccrued": 270
"employeeId": 2413,
"odometerReading": 4089,
"gallons": 21.682,
"gasPrice": 3.46
"employeeId": 3423,
"odometerReading": 6582,
"gallons": 15.248,
"gasPrice": 4.56
"employeeId": 2413,
"odometerReading": 4127,
"gallons": 4.221,
"gasPrice": 3.40
"employeeId": 2413,
"odometerReading": 4349,
"gallons": 11.192,
"gasPrice": 4.10
"employeeId": 3423,
"odometerReading": 6767,
"gallons": 8.696,
"gasPrice": 3.34
"employeeId": 2413,
"odometerReading": 4547,
"gallons": 9.197,
"gasPrice": 2.90
"employeeId": 2413,
"gasFillUpCount": 4,
"totalFuelCost": 161.92962,
"totalGallons": 46.292,
"totalMilesAccrued": 458
"employeeId": 3423,
"gasFillUpCount": 2,
"totalFuelCost": 98.57552,
"totalGallons": 23.944,
"totalMilesAccrued": 185
module to read/write JSON files. json jsonPayload = {id: "2", title: "Jeru", artist: "Gerry Mulligan", price: 17.99};
// Using cloneWithType
Album album1 = check jsonPayload.cloneWithType();
// Using fromJsonWithType
Album album2 = check jsonPayload.fromJsonWithType();
Album {id, title, artist, price} = album1;
function cfr(int deaths, int cases) returns decimal => <decimal>deaths / <decimal>cases * 100;
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