Common Lisp
Common Lisp
Lucy's Magnificent Mapper
Lucy's Magnificent Mapper

Lucy's Magnificent Mapper

Learning Exercise



Mapping refers to the application of a function to each element of a sequence to produce a new sequence.

This can be done easily to a list with the function mapcar. Let us assume we have a function double which multiplies its argument by 2:

(mapcar #'double '(1 2 3 4)) ; => (2 4 6 8)

Notice that the first argument is a function to call. The #' is a special quoting syntax to specify a function.

double was first called with the first element, then with the second, etc. The results were collected into a list which is the value the expression evaluates to.


Filtering is the process of creating a sequence from another sequence by copying all but certain elements from the original sequence. The choice of which items to include in the new sequence can be done by a predicate function (a function that evaluates to a boolean value), or by equality with a specific object.

Removing by a predicate

remove-if is a function that takes a predicate function and a sequence as arguments, and returns a sequence of only those elements for which the predicate evaluated to a false value. In other words, it "removes" all elements of the sequence for which the predicate evaluates to true. However, note that this function does not modify the original sequence! Instead, it returns a new sequence without the appropriate elements. If the predicate was true for all values then an empty sequence is returned.

(remove-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; => (1 3 5)
(remove-if #'oddp '(1 3 5))      ; => ()

Removing a specific item

If one wants to remove a specific item from a sequence one can use remove which takes the item to remove and a sequence. All values in the sequence which are not equal to the item to remove are returned. NOTE: Equality is checked with the eql generic equality predicate by default.

(remove 1 '(1 2 1 3 1 4)) ; => (2 3 4)
(remove #\l "hello")      ; => "heo"


Lucy the Lisp Alien likes Numbers, they think some of them are "magnificent".

They ask you to help them write functions to make numbers more magnificent.

What Lucy thinks makes a number magnificent can change so the functions will need to be flexible.

1. Make magnificent

To make a list of numbers into a list of more magnificent numbers you'll need to write a function make-magnificent-maybe which takes a function to apply to the numbers and a list of numbers. It should evaluate to a list of numbers which are more magnificent (according to the function provided)

(make-magnificent-maybe #'square '(1 2 3)) ; => (1 4 9)
(make-magnificent-maybe #'1+ '(1 2 3))     ; => (2 3 4)

2. Only the best

After (hopefully) making numbers more magnificent, Lucy wants to just see the numbers which are truly magnificent.

They definitely know that 1 is never magnificent so you'll need to just remove that.

But other than that Lucy changes their mind sometimes so again they'll give you a function which will tell you if a number is magnificent or not.

You'll need to write a function only-the-best which takes a function and a list of numbers and returns only the best numbers (not 1 and not numbers that the function evaluates to true for).

(only-the-best #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; => (3 5)
(only-the-best #'oddp '(1 3 5))    ; => ()
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