Troll the Trolls
Troll the Trolls

Troll the Trolls

Learning Exercise



So far we have mostly handled numbers and strings. To model the real world, we might want a limited number of values that a variable can take on. You might want a dedicated type with a few distinct values with distinct names. For example, in a skateboard factory, having the deck material be a choice of only maple, bamboo, or plastic.

You could use integers to encode those values, but you would have to use extra code to check if there is an invalid value coming from the system for the material. The meaning of those magic numbers is difficult to trace over the source code and they are prone to mix-ups. enumerations can be used to encourage expressive code and to restrict unintentional comparison mistakes.

Example usage

The specific term for this kind of enumeration is scoped enumeration. The snippet below shows how to write a DeckMaterial enumeration. Note the enum class keyword and the ; at the end of the definition:

enum class DeckMaterial {

Now, look at a pricing function in the skate shop and take note of the scope resolution operator (::) specifying an enumerator from the enumeration:

double deck_price(double base_price, DeckMaterial material) {
    if(material == DeckMaterial::plastic) {
        return base_price * 0.9;
    return base_price * 1.3;


Imagine you have a second enumeration for wheel material:

enum class WheelMaterial {

Although the wheels and the deck can both be made of plastic, the two cannot be confused. They are different types: DeckMaterial plastic and WheelMaterial plastic. Each enumeration will have its enumerators in its own scope - its own namespace. This is the reason they are called scoped enumerations.


Unscoped Enumerations

You might be thinking that with a name like scoped, there would also be unscoped enumerations -- and you would be correct. Unscoped enumerations are becoming less popular because they all share the same global namespace. Because of the sharing, you could not have two unscoped enumerations with the same enumerators like plastic in the example above.

Also, unscoped enumerations implicitly convert to integers. Look at the example below for a surprising result:

enum CitrusFruits {
    lemons,  // 0
    oranges, //1

enum IceCream {
    walnut,  // 0
    apples,  // 1

bool comparison{apples == oranges};
// => true

// Example from above:
bool comparison{DeckMaterial::plastic == WheelMaterial::plastic};
// => Does not compile!

If you want to convert scoped enumerations to integers you can use static_cast<int>.

Switch Statements

Like other languages, C++ also provides a switch statement. Switch statements are a shorter way to write long if ... else if statements. To make a switch, we start by using the keyword switch followed by an integer. We then declare each one of the conditions with the case keyword. We can also declare a default case, that will run when none of the previous case conditions matched. Each case should end with a break (or a return) statement.

int price{0};
int adults{3};
int kids{2};

switch (int group_size{adults + kids}) {
    case 1:
        price = 50;
    case 2:
        price = 70;
        price = group_size * 30;


One important thing about the switch construct is that the code will continue to execute until it is stopped by a break (or a return) statement. This can lead to unexpected behavior.

int adults{1};
int kids{0};
switch (int group_size{adults + kids}) {
    case 1:
        price = 50;
    case 2:
        price = 70;
        price = group_size * 30;
// price will be 30!

The main use case for this continued execution feature is a statement that has several labels. Multiple switch results can map to the same piece of code to be executed. This way - in a booking app, for example - the called function for group sizes 2 and 3 can be the same:

switch (group_size) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
// book_apartment happens wheng roup_size is 2 or 3


Your friend Helma made a small online game that rapidly gained popularity. It is called HellMath. The small community attracted some trolls who make the game and the forums pretty unpleasant. Helma has asked you to work on a new permission system to separate troublemakers.

The forum supports three different actions:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Remove

There are four types of accounts, each with different default permissions:

  • Guests: can read posts.
  • Users and Trolls: can read and write posts.
  • Moderators: can read, write and remove posts, they have all the permissions.

Helma has noticed that it is no use to ban troll accounts. Her strategy is to give them the illusion that their time is "well invested", but their posts are only shown to other trolls. For anything that requires priority ordering, trolls are last in any sequence. When they enter a game, the pool of available players is also limited to other trolls.

This practice is called shadow-banning.

1. Set up user types and permissions.

First, define an AccountStatus enumeration to represent the four account types: troll, guest, user, and mod.

Next, define an Action enumeration to represent the three permission types: read, write, and remove.

2. Promote trolls only to other trolls.

Every post on the forums saves the AccountStatus of the poster in its metadata. Make sure that posts by trolls are only displayed to other trolls.

Helma needs a display_post function, that gets two arguments of AccountStatus and returns a bool. The first argument is the status of the poster, the second one is the status of the viewer.

using namespace hellmath;
display_post(AccountStatus::troll, AccountStatus::user);
// => false
display_post(AccountStatus::mod, AccountStatus::guest);
// => true

3. Check permissions for different users.

Helma needs a way to check if a certain action is allowed for a user.

Please implement a permission_check function, that takes an Action as a first argument and an AccountStatus to check against. It should return a bool according to the permissions listed in the introduction.

permission_check(Action::remove, AccountStatus::guest);
// => false
permission_check(Action::write, AccountStatus::mod);
// => true

4. Grant game access and pair players.

To keep the actual players in the game accountable for their actions, Hellmath denies access to guest users. As mentioned above, Helma wants trolls to troll other trolls. Game connections between other users are unrestricted.

Implement the valid_player_combination function that checks if two players can join the same game. The function has two parameters of type AccountStatus and returns a bool.

valid_player_combination(AccountStatus::guest, AccountStatus::mod);
// => false
valid_player_combination(AccountStatus::troll, AccountStatus::troll);
// => true

5. Build priority queuing.

With the massive growth of the game and the forums, Helma now has to distribute computing power and bandwidth among users. To handle emergencies, moderators are given the highest priority. Guests are queued behind normal users, and trolls get sorted behind everyone else.

Implement the has_priority function that takes two AccountStatus arguments and returns true, if and only if the first account has a strictly higher priority than the second.

has_priority(AccountStatus::guest, AccountStatus::mod);
// => false
has_priority(AccountStatus::user, AccountStatus::troll);
// => true
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