Meltdown Mitigation
Meltdown Mitigation

Meltdown Mitigation

Learning Exercise


Crystal has what are known as control expressions, these are used to control the way the program will run and they take a truthy or falsey value. There are operators that can be used to create truthy or falsey values, these are known as equality and comparison operators.

There are two main control expressions that are used to control which code will run and which will not. Also known as which given branch will run.

Those two are: if and the unless expression.

Comparison operators

Comparison operators are used to compare values and return a true or false value. These operators require two values of the same type to be compared. If the values are not of the same type then the compiler will throw an error. Here is a list of the comparison operators and an example of when they give a true value:

Method Description Example
< less than 5 < 4
<= less than or equal 4 <= 4
> greater than 3 > 1
>= greater than or equal 2 >= 2

Equality operators

Equality operators are similar to comparison operators, but they are used to check whether or not two values are equal.

The == operator checks if two values are equal, including the type of the value. If the values are the same then it will return true otherwise it will return false. The == operator can compare any type of value with any other type of value. The != works the same way but will return true if the values are not equal and false if they are equal.

If statement

The if statement is used to check whether a given condition is truthy or falsey. If the condition is truthy then the code inside the if statement will run. An if statement ends with the end keyword.

if 1 == 1
  puts "1 is equal to 1"
# => 1 is equal to 1

if 1 > 2
  puts "1 is greater than 2"
# => no output

Unless statement

The unless statement works very similarly to the if statement but it will run the code inside the unless statement if the condition is falsey.

unless 1 == 1
  puts "1 is not equal to 1"
# => no output

unless 1 > 2
  puts "1 is not greater than 2"
# => 1 is not greater than 2

Else statement

The else statement can be used in conjunction with the if and unless statements. The else statement will be executed if the if branch or the unless branch is not executed.

Even though an `else` branch can be used in conjunction with `unless,` it is discouraged to do so because it hurts readability.
Instead, using `if !condition` with an else branch is recommended.
if 1 == 1
  puts "1 is equal to 1"
  puts "1 is not equal to 1"
# => 1 is equal to 1

unless 1 < 2
  puts "1 is not greater than 2"
  puts "1 is greater than 2"
# => 1 is greater than 2

"Cascading-if" statements

The elsif statement can be used in conjunction with the if statement. The elsif statement will be executed if the if branch is not executed and the condition of the elsif statement is truthy. elsif statements can be chained together and the first truthy condition will be executed. There can also be an else statement at the end of the if statement which will run if none of the earlier statements has been true.

if 1 != 1
  puts "1 is not equal to 1"
elsif 1 > 2
  puts "1 is greater than 2"
  puts "1 is not equal to 1 and 1 is not greater than 2"
# => 1 is not equal to 1 and 1 is not greater than 2

Types with conditionals

When assigned to different types, the variable will carry both types. This is because the compiler doesn't know which branch will be executed. This multiple assignment, which is also known as a union, will be explained in later concepts. This can be seen in the following example:

if 1 == 1
  a = 1
  a = "1"

typeof(a) # => Int32 | String

Ternary Operator

Crystal has a ternary operator, a single line if-else statement: condition ? expression_if_truthy : expression_if_falsey

1 == 1 ? puts("1 is equal to 1") : puts("1 is not equal to 1")
# => 1 is equal to 1


In this exercise, we'll develop a simple control system for a nuclear reactor.

For a reactor to produce the power it must be in a state of criticality. If the reactor is in a state less than criticality, it can become damaged. If the reactor state goes beyond criticality, it can overload and result in a meltdown. We want to mitigate the chances of meltdown and correctly manage reactor state.

The following three tasks are all related to writing code for maintaining ideal reactor state.

1. Check for criticality

The first thing a control system has to do is check if the reactor is balanced in criticality. A reactor is said to be critical if it satisfies the following conditions:

  • The temperature is less than 800 K.
  • The number of neutrons emitted per second is greater than 500.
  • The product of temperature and neutrons emitted per second is less than 500000.

Implement the method Reactor.criticality_balanced? that takes temperature measured in kelvin and neutrons_emitted as parameters, and returns true if the criticality conditions are met, false if not.

Reactor.criticality_balanced?(750, 600)
# => true

2. Determine the Power output range

Once the reactor has started producing power its efficiency needs to be determined. Efficiency can be grouped into 4 bands:

  1. green -> efficiency of 80% or more,
  2. orange -> efficiency of less than 80% but at least 60%,
  3. red -> efficiency below 60%, but still 30% or more,
  4. black -> less than 30% efficient.

The percentage value can be calculated as (generated_power/theoretical_max_power)*100 where generated_power = voltage * current. Note that the percentage value is usually not an integer number, so make sure to consider the proper use of the < and <= comparisons.

Implement the method Reactor.reactor_efficiency, with three parameters: voltage, current, and theoretical_max_power. This function should return the efficiency band of the reactor : "green", "orange", "red", or "black".

# => "orange"

3. Fail Safe Mechanism

Your final task involves creating a fail-safe mechanism to avoid overload and meltdown. This mechanism will determine if the reactor is below, at, or above the ideal criticality threshold. Criticality can then be increased, decreased, or stopped by inserting (or removing) control rods into the reactor.

Implement the method called Reactor.fail_safe(), which takes 3 parameters: temperature measured in kelvin, neutrons_produced_per_second, and threshold, and outputs a status code for the reactor.

  • If temperature * neutrons_produced_per_second < 90% of threshold, output a status code of "LOW" indicating that control rods must be removed to produce power.

  • If temperature * neutrons_produced_per_second are within plus or minus 10% of the threshold the reactor is in criticality and the status code of "NORMAL" should be output, indicating that the reactor is in optimum condition and control rods are in an ideal position.

  • If temperature * neutrons_produced_per_second is not in the above-stated ranges, the reactor is going into meltdown and a status code of "DANGER" must be passed to immediately shut down the reactor.

temperature = 1000
neutrons_produced_per_second = 30
threshold = 5000
Reactor.fail_safe(temperature, neutrons_produced_per_second, threshold)
# => "DANGER"
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