Football Match Reports
Football Match Reports

Football Match Reports

Learning Exercise


Switch Statements

Wikipedia describes a switch statement as "a type of selection control mechanism used to allow the value of a variable or expression to change the control flow of program".

The mechanism involves the following keywords: switch, case, break and default.

At their simplest they test a primitive or string expression and make a decision based on its value. For example:

string direction = GetDirection();
switch (direction)
    case "left":
    case "right":

At their most sophisticated they introduce down casting case <Type> <variable>: and guards (when).

Animal animal = GetAnimal();

switch (animal)
    case Dog canine:
    case Coyote canine:
    case Cat cat when cat.HasOnly8Lives():
    case Cat cat:


You are developing a system to help the staff of a football/soccer club's web site report on matches. This system is capable of analyzing different aspects in the match, both on and off the field, and converts them into a stream of events.

1. Output descriptions of the players based on their shirt number

The team only ever plays a 4-3-3 formation and has never agreed with the 1965 change to the rules allowing for substitutions, never mind enlarged squads.

The player descriptions are as follows:

1 -> "goalie"
2 -> "left back"
3 & 4 -> "center back"
5 -> "right back"
6, 7 & 8 -> "midfielder"
9 -> "left wing"
10 -> "striker"
11 -> "right wing"

Implement the static PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOnField() method to output a player description based on their shirt number.

// => "striker"

2. Handle unknown shirt numbers

Modify the PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOnField() method to report UNKNOWN when a shirt number outside the range 1-11 is processed.

3. Extend the coverage to include off field activity

Implement the PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOffField() method to output descriptions of activities and characters around the field of play. This method receives different types of data that should be analyzed and converted to appropriate text to help the journalists.

To start off, we will cover data about the stadium:

  • The current number of supporters in the stadium (any int)
  • Announcements made over the stadium's PA system (any string)

Unknown types of data should not be processed, so if the method receives data of a different type an empty string should be returned.

// => "There are 5000 supporters at the match."

PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOffField("5 minutes to go!");
// => "5 minutes to go!"

// => ""

4. Report on incidents during the match

Modify the PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOffField() method to output descriptions of incidents that happen during the match.

Incidents can be any subclass of the Incident type, and will contain a description of the incident. Injuries are a special kind of incident because they cause the match to be put on hold, so they should be treated differently.

PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOffField(new Foul());
// => "The referee deemed a foul."

PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOffField(new Injury(8));
// => "Oh no! Player 8 is injured. Medics are on the field."

5. Report on club managers

Modify the PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOffField() method to mention the club managers present during the match.

Managers are instances of the Manager type and have a name and the name of the club they manage. The manager's club may be unknown, in which case it will be set to null. If a manager's club is not known, it should not be part of the description.

PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOffField(new Manager("José Mário dos Santos Mourinho Félix", null));
// => "José Mário dos Santos Mourinho Félix"

PlayAnalyzer.AnalyzeOffField(new Manager("Jürgen Klopp", "Liverpool"));
// => "Jürgen Klopp (Liverpool)"
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