Interest is Interesting
Interest is Interesting

Interest is Interesting

Learning Exercise


Floating Point Numbers

A floating-point number is a number with zero or more digits behind the decimal separator. Examples are -2.4, 0.1, 3.14, 16.984025 and 1024.0.

Different floating-point types can store different numbers of digits after the digit separator - this is referred to as its precision.

C# has three floating-point types:

  • float: 4 bytes (~6-9 digits precision). Written as 2.45f.
  • double: 8 bytes (~15-17 digits precision). This is the most common type. Written as 2.45 or 2.45d.
  • decimal: 16 bytes (28-29 digits precision). Normally used when working with monetary data, as its precision leads to less rounding errors. Written as 2.45m.

As can be seen, each type can store a different number of digits. This means that trying to store PI in a float will only store the first 6 to 9 digits (with the last digit being rounded).

While Loops

In this exercise you may also want to use a loop. There are several ways to write loops in C#, but the while loop is most appropriate here:

int x = 23;

while (x > 10)
    // Execute logic if x > 10
    x = x - 2;

Do While Loops

If the code in a loop should always be executed at least once, a do/while loop can be used:

int x = 23;

    // Execute logic if x > 10
    x = x - 2;
} while (x > 10);


In this exercise you'll be working with savings accounts. Each year, the balance of your savings account is updated based on its interest rate. The interest rate your bank gives you depends on the amount of money in your account (its balance):

  • 3.213% for a negative balance (balance gets more negative).
  • 0.5% for a positive balance less than 1000 dollars.
  • 1.621% for a positive balance greater than or equal to 1000 dollars and less than 5000 dollars.
  • 2.475% for a positive balance greater than or equal to 5000 dollars.

You have four tasks, each of which will deal your balance and its interest rate.

1. Calculate the interest rate

Implement the (static) SavingsAccount.InterestRate() method to calculate the interest rate based on the specified balance:

SavingsAccount.InterestRate(balance: 200.75m)
// 0.5f

Note that the value returned is a float.

2. Calculate the interest

Implement the (static) SavingsAccount.Interest() method to calculate the interest based on the specified balance:

SavingsAccount.Interest(balance: 200.75m)
// 1.00375m

Note that the value returned is a decimal.

3. Calculate the annual balance update

Implement the (static) SavingsAccount.AnnualBalanceUpdate() method to calculate the annual balance update, taking into account the interest rate:

SavingsAccount.AnnualBalanceUpdate(balance: 200.75m)
// 201.75375m

Note that the value returned is a decimal.

4. Calculate the years before reaching the desired balance

Implement the (static) SavingsAccount.YearsBeforeDesiredBalance() method to calculate the minimum number of years required to reach the desired balance given annually compounding interest:

SavingsAccount.YearsBeforeDesiredBalance(balance: 200.75m, targetBalance: 214.88m)
// 14

Note that the value returned is an int.


When applying simple interest to a principal balance, the balance is multiplied by the interest rate and the product of the two is the interest amount.

Compound interest on the other hand is done by applying interest on a recurring basis. On each application the interest amount is computed and added to the principal balance so that subsequent interest calculations are subject to a greater principal balance.

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