Dancing Dots
Dancing Dots

Dancing Dots

Learning Exercise



The use macro allows us to quickly extend our module with functionality provided by another module. When we use a module, that module can inject code into our module - it can for example define functions, import or alias other modules, or set module attributes.

If you ever looked at the test files of some of the Elixir exercises here on Exercism, you most likely noticed that they all start with use ExUnit.Case. This single line of code is what makes the macros test and assert available in the test module.

defmodule LasagnaTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "expected minutes in oven" do
    assert Lasagna.expected_minutes_in_oven() === 40

__using__/1 macro

What exactly happens when you use a module is dictated by that module's __using__/1 macro. It takes one argument, a keyword list with options, and it returns a quoted expression. The code in this quoted expression is inserted into our module when calling use.

defmodule ExUnit.Case do
  defmacro __using__(opts) do
    # some real-life ExUnit code omitted here
    quote do
      import ExUnit.Assertions
      import ExUnit.Case, only: [describe: 2, test: 1, test: 2, test: 3]

The options can be given as a second argument when calling use, e.g. use ExUnit.Case, async: true. When not given explicitly, they default to an empty list.


Behaviours allow us to define interfaces (sets of functions and macros) in a behaviour module that can be later implemented by different callback modules. Thanks to the shared interface, those callback modules can be used interchangeably.


Note the British spelling of "behaviours".

Defining behaviours

To define a behaviour, we need to create a new module and specify a list of functions that are part of the desired interface. Each function needs to be defined using the @callback module attribute. The syntax is identical to a function typespec (@spec). We need to specify a function name, a list of argument types, and all the possible return types.

defmodule Countable do
  @callback count(collection :: any) :: pos_integer

Implementing behaviours

To add an existing behaviour to our module (create a callback module) we use the @behaviour module attribute. Its value should be the name of the behaviour module that we're adding.

Then, we need to define all the functions (callbacks) that are required by that behaviour module. If we're implementing somebody else's behaviour, like Elixir's built-in Access or GenServer behaviours, we would find the list of all the behaviour's callbacks in the documentation on

A callback module is not limited to implementing only the functions that are part of its behaviour. It is also possible for a single module to implement multiple behaviours.

To mark which function comes from which behaviour, we should use the module attribute @impl before each function. Its value should be the name of the behaviour module that defines this callback.

defmodule BookCollection do
  @behaviour Countable

  defstruct [:list, :owner]

  @impl Countable
  def count(collection) do

  def mark_as_read(collection, book) do
    # other function unrelated to the Countable behaviour

Default callback implementations

When defining a behaviour, it is possible to provide a default implementation of a callback. This implementation should be defined in the quoted expression of the __using__/1 macro. To make it possible for users of the behaviour module to override the default implementation, call the defoverridable/1 macro after the function implementation. It accepts a keyword list of function names as keys and function arities as values.

defmodule Countable do
  @callback count(collection :: any) :: pos_integer

  defmacro __using__(_) do
    quote do
      @behaviour Countable
      def count(collection), do: Enum.count(collection)
      defoverridable count: 1

Note that defining functions inside of __using__/1 is discouraged for any other purpose than defining default callback implementations, but you can always define functions in another module and import them in the __using__/1 macro.


Your friend, an aspiring artist, reached out to you with a project idea. Let's combine his visual creativity with your technical expertise. It's time to dabble in generative art!

Constraints help creativity and shorten project deadlines, so you've both agreed to limit your masterpiece to a single shape - the circle. But there's going to be many circles. And they can move around! You'll call it... dancing dots.

Your friend will definitely want to come up with new elaborate movements for the dots, so you'll start coding by creating an architecture that will allow you to later define new animations easily.

1. Define the animation behaviour

Each animation module needs to implement two callbacks: init/1 and handle_frame/3. Define them in the Animation module.

Define the init/1 callback. It should take one argument of type opts and return either an {:ok, opts} tuple or {:error, error} tuple. Implementations of this callback will check if the given options are valid for this particular type of animation.

Define the handle_frame/3 callbacks. It should take three arguments - the dot, a frame number, and options. It should always return a dot. Implementations of this callback will modify the dot's attributes based on the current frame number and the animation's options.

2. Provide a default implementation of the init/1 callback

The Animation behaviour should be easy to incorporate into other modules by calling use DancingDots.Animation.

To make that happen, implement the __using__ macro in the Animation module so that it sets the Animation module as the other module's behaviour. It should also provide a default implementation of the init/1 callback. The default implementation of init/1 should return the given options unchanged.

defmodule MyCustomAnimation do
  use DancingDots.Animation

MyCustomAnimation.init(some_option: true)
# => {:ok, [some_option: true]}

3. Implement the Flicker animation

Use the Animation behaviour to implement a flickering animation.

It should use the default init/1 callback because it doesn't take any options.

Implement the handle_frame/3 callback, which handles a single frame. If the frame number is a multiple of four, the function should return the dot with half of its original opacity. In other frames, it should return the dot unchanged.

Frames are counted from 1. The dot passed to handle_frame/3 is always the dot in its original state, not in the state from the previous frame.

dot = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 100, y: 100, radius: 24, opacity: 1}

DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot, 1, [])
# => %DancingDots.Dot{opacity: 1, radius: 24, x: 100, y: 100}

DancingDots.Flicker.handle_frame(dot, 4, [])
# => %DancingDots.Dot{opacity: 0.5, radius: 24, x: 100, y: 100}

4. Implement the Zoom animation

Use the Animation behaviour to implement a zooming animation.

This animation takes one option - velocity. Velocity can be any number. If it's negative, the dot gets zoomed out instead of zoomed in.

Implement the init/1 callback. It should validate that the passed options is a keyword list with a :velocity key. The value of velocity must be a number. If it's not a number, return the error "The :velocity option is required, and its value must be a number. Got: #{inspect(velocity)}".

Implement the handle_frame/3 callback. It should return the dot with its radius increased by the current frame number, minus one, times velocity.

Frames are counted from 1. The dot passed to handle_frame/3 is always the dot in its original state, not in the state from the previous frame.

DancingDots.Zoom.init(velocity: nil)
# => {:error, "The :velocity option is required, and its value must be a number. Got: nil"}

dot = %DancingDots.Dot{x: 100, y: 100, radius: 24, opacity: 1}

DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 1, velocity: 10)
# => %DancingDots.Dot{radius: 24, opacity: 1, x: 100, y: 100}

DancingDots.Zoom.handle_frame(dot, 2, velocity: 10)
# => %DancingDots.Dot{radius: 34, opacity: 1, x: 100, y: 100}
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