Elm types can be checked for "being the same" with the equality operator (==)
The inequality operator is (/=)
(not !=
like in many languages).
The equality operator works on literals, tuples, records and custom types.
1 == 2
--> False
1 /= 2
--> True
(1, 2) == (2, 1)
--> False
type alias MyRecord = { myInt : Int, myStrings : List String }
a : MyRecord
a = MyRecord (1 + 1) ["hello world"]
type alias MyOtherRecord = { myInt : Int, myStrings : List String }
myStrings = (String.join " " ["hello", "world"]) :: []
b : MyOtherRecord
b = { myInt = 2, myStrings = myStrings}
a == b
--> True
Note that you should never compare functions, as this will make the program crash at runtime.
The comparison operators (<)
, (<=)
, (>)
, (>=)
and functions min
, max
, compare
work on comparable
The comparable
type is a special type that groups all built-in types that can be compared: numbers, characters, strings, lists of comparable things, and tuples of comparable things.
1 < 1 + 1
--> True
'x' < 'X'
--> False
"abc" < "abz"
--> True
"abc" < "abcd"
--> True
"abc" < "b"
--> True
min [1 , 2, 9000] [10]
--> [1 , 2, 9000]
min (1, "hello") (3, "bye")
--> (1, "hello")
Values of other types such as records or custom types cannot be compared directly.
Some built-in types require their content to be comparable
, such as Set
or Dict
keys, since their structure relies on an internal ordering.
Lists of comparable
values can be sorted with List.sort
and lists of values that can be mapped to comparable values can be sorted with List.sortBy
If you need a hierarchical sort (sort by one property, and break ties with another), tuples or lists may also be used with List.sortBy
since tuples and lists are sorted in lexicographic order.
List.sort ["hi", "hello", "bye", "goodbye"]
--> ["bye", "goodbye", "hello", "hi"]
List.sortBy String.length ["hi", "hello", "bye", "goodbye"]
--> ["hi", "bye", "hello", "goodbye"]
-- sort by length, then alphabetically
List.sortBy (\str -> (String.length str, str)) ["hi", "mum", "hello", "sis", "bye", "dad"]
--> ["hi", "bye", "dad", "mum", "sis", "hello"]
The function compare
takes two comparable
values and returns an Order
An Order
is a type that checks in a in a single operation if a value is greater (GT
), equal (EQ
) or less (LT
) than another.
compare 1 2
--> LT
compare "" ""
--> EQ
compare [12] []
--> GT
Comparison functions can be constructed for arbitrary types and be used, for example, to be sorted with List.sortWith
type Color = Red | Green | Blue
compareColors : Color -> Color -> Order
compareColors a b =
case (a, b) of
(Red, Red) -> EQ
(Red, _) -> LT
(_, Red) -> GT
(Green, Green) -> EQ
(Green, _) -> LT
(_, Green) -> GT
(Blue, Blue) -> EQ
List.sortWith compareColors [Blue, Red, Green, Green, Blue]
--> [Red, Green, Green, Blue, Blue]
You suddenly feel a burst of nostalgia and a strong urge to dust off your old Blorkemon™️ cards.
Blorkemon™️ cards is a great, old school card trading game.
Each Card
has a Blorkemon™️ monster drawn on it, along with an attack power level, and if you are lucky, the card might even be shiny.
Each Blorkemon™️ card looks more powerful than the next, but you better check.
Implement the isMorePowerful
function. It should return True
if the card in its first argument is strictly more powerful than the other, and False
newthree = Card "Newthree" 120 False
scientuna = Card "Scientuna" 6 True
isMorePowerful newthree scientuna
--> True
With a hand full of Blorkemon™️ cards, you should be able to prepare the most devastating attack.
Implement the maxPower
function, which returns the highest power level of two cards.
maxPower newthree scientuna
--> 120
You seem to remember that you had at least one card of each Blorkemon™️, but it's been a while since you last checked, you should sort your cards to compare them to the official listing on Pulpapedia.
Implement the sortByMonsterName
function, which should take a list of Cards
and return a list sorted by monster names.
sortByMonsterName [newthree, scientuna]
--> [Card "Newthree" 120 False, Card "Scientuna" 6 True]
Blorkemon™️ are the coolest thing ever. You are not using that term lightly, you have a scientific method to demonstrate it.
Implement the sortByCoolness
function, which sorts a list of cards by placing the coolest ones first.
The coolness of a card is first determined by its shininess: all shiny cards are way cooler than the others.
The second factor is the power level, the higher the better.
sortByCoolness [newthree, scientuna]
--> [Card "Scientuna" 6 True, Card "Newthree" 120 False]
Shininess is not just for show, in a battle of evenly powered Blorkemon™️, a shiny one will always prevail. This is called the Shiny Power.
Implement the compareShinyPower
function, which codifies this property.
The Order
of two cards is determined by the power levels is they are different, but if they are equal, a shiny card will be greater.
compareShinyPower newthree scientuna
--> GT
In a game of Blorkemon™️ cards, anything goes, but there is still a tendency for more powerful cards to win.
Implement the expectedWinner
function that returns the name of the monster most expected to win, as determined by the compareShinyPower
The function should return the monster name of the expected winner, or "too close to call" if both opponents have the same Shiny Power.
expectedWinner newthree scientuna
--> "Newthree"
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