The Maybe
type is the solution in the Elm language for optional values.
It is thus present in type signatures of a wide number of core Elm functions and understanding it is crucial.
The Maybe
type is defined as follows:
type Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
This is known as a "custom type" definition in Elm terminology.
It indicates that a value of this type can either be Nothing
OR be Just
something of type a
Creating a Maybe
value is done via one of its two constructors Nothing
and Just
Reading the content of a Maybe
is done via pattern matching.
matthieu : Maybe String
matthieu = Just "Matthieu"
anon : Maybe String
anon = Nothing
sayHello : Maybe String -> String
sayHello maybeName =
case maybeName of
Nothing -> "Hello, World!"
Just someName -> "Hello, " ++ someName ++ "!"
sayHello matthieu
--> "Hello, Matthieu!"
sayHello anon
--> "Hello, World!"
There are also a number of useful functions in the Maybe
module to manipulate Maybe
sayHelloAgain : Maybe String -> String
sayHelloAgain name = "Hello, " ++ Maybe.withDefault "World" name ++ "!"
capitalizeName : Maybe String -> Maybe String
capitalizeName name = String.toUpper name
capitalizeName matthieu
--> Just "MATTHIEU"
capitalizeName anon
--> Nothing
In this exercise, you'll be implementing mechanics of a role-playing game. A player's character is represented by the following type:
type alias Player =
{ name : Maybe String
, level : Int
, health : Int
, mana : Maybe Int
Players in this game must reach level 10 before they unlock a mana pool so that they can start casting spells. You're working on two pieces of functionality in this game, the revive mechanic and the spell casting mechanic.
Write the content of the introduce
Stealthy players may be hiding their name and will be introduced as "Mighty Magician"
Otherwise, just use your name to introduce yourself.
introduce { name = Nothing, level = 2, health = 8, mana = Nothing }
--> "Mighty Magician"
introduce { name = Just "Merlin", level = 2, health = 8, mana = Nothing }
--> "Merlin"
The revive
function should check that the player's character is indeed dead (their health has reached 0).
If they are, it should return a new Player
instance with 100 health.
Otherwise, if the player's character isn't dead, the revive
function returns Nothing
If the player's level is 10 or above, they should also be revived with 100 mana.
If they player's level is below 10, their mana should be Nothing
The revive
function should preserve the player's level.
deadPlayer = { name = Nothing, level = 2, health = 0, mana = Nothing }
revive deadPlayer
--> Just { name = Nothing, level = 2, health = 100, mana = Nothing }
If the revive
method is called on a player whose health is 1 or above, then the function should return Nothing
alivePlayer = { name = Nothing, level = 2, health = 42, mana = Nothing }
revive alivePlayer
--> Nothing
The castSpell
function takes as arguments an Int
indicating how much mana the spell costs as well as a Player
It returns the updated player, as well as the amount of damage that the cast spell performs.
A successful spell cast does damage equal to two times the mana cost of the spell.
However, if the player has insufficient mana, nothing happens, the player is unchanged and no damage is done.
If the player does not even have a mana pool, attempting to cast the spell must decrease their health by the mana cost of the spell and does no damage.
wizard = { name = Nothing, level = 18, health = 123, mana = Just 30 }
( updatedWizard, damage ) = castSpell 14 wizard
updatedWizard.mana --> Just 16
damage --> 28
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