Secure Treasure Chest
Secure Treasure Chest

Secure Treasure Chest

Learning Exercise


Opaque Types


Opaque Types are an encapsulation technique in Elm. Some people also call this information hiding, or hiding implementation details. They are also commonly used to enforce validation, using the Parse, dont validate pattern. For example, you could have a EmailAddress opaque type, that can only contain valid email addresses (as opposed to a String, which can contain anything).

Creating an Opaque Type

Custom types have one or more variants, and the compiler automatically generates a function to create each variant, using the variant name. These are the only way in which custom types can be created. The compiler also allows destructuring for these variants.

type Maybe a
    = Nothing --> Variant implies a 'Nothing' function, with type 'Maybe a', and destructuring of 'Nothing'
    | Just a  --> Variant implies a 'Just' function, with type 'a -> Maybe a', and destructuring of 'Just _'

By default, all of this is internal to the file / module, and we use the exposing keyword to choose what to export. To create an Opaque Type, you simply choose not to export the variants.

When you do this, you almost always need to supply another way to create and get the variants, by exposing custom functions. These custom functions allow you to apply some logic when creating and getting the variants. This hides the internal implementation details of the module, and means that you can change the implementation details as much as you want, as long as the exposed functions remain the same.

Parse, don't validate

Probably the most common use of Opaque Types is to enforce validation, using the Parse, dont validate pattern. In this pattern, you expose a function that takes an input with less structure / type safety than you want, such as a String, and then parse this in to a more structured type, such as EmailAddress, either returning the type, or returning an error (usually Maybe or Result).

For example, in the code below, it is only possible for external modules to create a EmailAddress type using the parseEmailAddress function, so when you are working with the EmailAddress type, you are certain that it is valid.

module EmailAddress exposing ( EmailAddress, parseEmailAddress, getEmailAddress )

-- The `EmailAddress` custom type has one variant, also called `EmailAddress`
-- When a custom type has one variant, it is idiomatic to use the same name for both.
type EmailAddress = 
  EmailAddress String

-- create an EmailAddress variant
parseEmailAddress: String -> Maybe EmailAddress
parseEmailAddress candidateEmailAddress =   
  if isValidEmailAddress candidateEmailAddress then
    Just (EmailAddress candidateEmailAddress)

-- get an EmailAddress variant
getEmailAddress: EmailAddress -> String
getEmailAddress ( EmailAddress  emailAdress ) =

isValidEmailAddress: String -> bool
-- ... 


In this exercise you're going to write a generic (/ magical!) SecureTreasureChest, to store some treasure. Sharp eyed students will have noticed that the previous TreasureChest wasn't that secure! If you used the getTreasure function, then you had to supply the password, but you could still simply destructure the TreasureChest type to get the treasure, without having to know the password. Even worse, you could even retrieve the password in the same way! Let's fix that by using an Opaque Type.

1. Define the Password opaque type, using the "Parse, don't validate" pattern

Define a Password custom type with a single variant.

The variant should have an associated String value, for the password.

You should expose the Password type, but not the variant. This makes Password an Opaque type, and means that you can no longer use destructing to get the password. It is not possible to test whether a type is Opaque or not, in production code, you would use elm-review (a static analysis tool) to enforce it.

Define and expose a createPassword function, with a type definition, that takes a String and returns a Maybe Password.

Owasp recommends that passwords should be at least 8 characters long, so lets use the Parse, don't validate pattern to enforce this invariant.

If the password is less than 8 characters long, createPassword should return Nothing, otherwise it should return Just Password.

2. Expose SecureTreasureChest, but not it's variant

You should expose the SecureTreasureChest type, but not the variant. This makes SecureTreasureChest an Opaque type, and means that you can no longer use destructuring to get the password or the treasure.

3. Define the createTreasure function

This function should take two parameters, and have a type definition.

  • a generic type (for the treasure)
  • a Password (for the password)

The function should return a SecureTreasureChest.

Expose this function, so that other modules are able to create instances of SecureTreasureChest.

4. Define the getTreasure function

This function should take two parameters, and have a type definition.

  • a String (for the password)
  • a SecureTreasureChest generic custom type

This function should check the provided password attempt against the Password in the SecureTreasureChest.

The function should return a Maybe.

If the passwords match then return Just with the generic value from the SecureTreasureChest (the treasure!)

If the passwords do not match then return Nothing.

Expose this function, so that other modules are able to get the treasure from a SecureTreasureChest, as long as they supply the correct password.

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