Pattern matching enables expressive branching code and destructuring brings elegant binding of values to variables.
Pattern matching can bind values to variables, or discard them with the wildcard _
, with the use of the case
type Entity = Alien | Stranger (Maybe String) | Friend { name: String }
hello : Entity -> String
hello entity =
case entity of
-- Custom type variant
Alien -> "Hello, you are not from around here are you?"
-- Binding to a litteral value nested in Stranger
Stranger (Just nametag) -> "Hello, erm... " ++ nametag ++ "."
-- Discarding Friend's data
Friend _ -> "Hi!"
-- All other cases
_ -> "Hello stranger!"
Destructuring can binds values in let
bindings, function arguments, and of course in case expressions, whenever there is only one shape possible for the data.
pairSum : ( Int, Int ) -> Int
pairSum pair =
-- Destructuring of a pair in a 'let' binding
let ( x, y ) = pair
in x + y
-- Destructuring in the function argument
pairSum : ( Int, Int ) -> Int
pairSum ( x, y ) = x + y
-- Custom type containing a single variant
type Container = Box String
-- Destructuring in the function argument
unbox : Container -> String
unbox (Box str) = str
-- Destructuring combined with pattern matching
unboxMaybe : Maybe Container -> Maybe String
unboxMaybe maybeContainer =
case maybeContainer of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Box "42") -> Just "The answer to the universe!"
Just (Box str) -> Just str
Destructuring can also be used for records, or with the as
type alias Circle =
{ radius : Float
, center : ( Float, Float )
perimeter : Circle -> Float
perimeter { radius } =
2 * pi * radius
left : Circle -> Float
left { radius, center } =
-- the pair center cannot be pattern matched directly in the function argument
-- so we do it in a 'let' statement
let ( x, _ ) = center
in x - radius
-- using the 'as' keyword to bind both the fields and the whole record
smaller : Float -> Circle -> Circle
smaller reduction ({ radius } as circle) =
if reduction < radius then
{ circle | radius = radius - reduction }
You are part of the IT helpdesk, and you want to improve the ticketing system to be more efficient and provide statistics for your manager.
A ticket has a status (new, in progress...), a creator (identified by a username and an employee ID), can be assigned to an IT employee and contains a history of comments.
Here are four tasks that wil improve your current ticketing system.
Empty comments clutter the interface and bring no information, you want to filter them out.
Define a helper function emptyComment
that take a user/comment pair and return True
for empty comments.
Use destructuring to extract the user and the comment directly in the function argument. Ignore the user since you don't need that information.
emptyComment ( User "Alice", "" )
-- => True
Your manager wants to have statistics about user involvement in the ticket process. She asks you to check how many comments are added by the ticket creator.
Define numberOfCreatorComments
that takes a ticket and return the number of comments added by the ticket creator.
Use destructuring in the function argument to extract the record from the Ticket
type, at the same time as the fields you need from the record.
Then, destructure the createdBy
in a let
binding so you can count the relevant comments.
Use List
functions to do the count and use destructuring in the function argument of an anonymous function to seperate the user/comment pair.
{ status = Closed
, createdBy = ( User "Chiaki", 1 )
, assignedTo = Nothing
, comments = [ ( User "Chiaki", "Never mind, fixed it." ) ]
-- => 1
Some tickets have to be escalated to Alice, Bob, or Charlie from the Dev Team. It's important to keep an eye on those to make sure they are making progress.
Define a helper function assignedToDevTeam
that checks if a ticket is assigned to one of the Dev Team members.
Use destructuring in the function argument to extract the record from the Ticket
type as well as the field you need.
Then, use a single case
statement to check if the ticket is assigned to Alice, Bob, or Charlie using recursive pattern matching to extract their usernames and litteral pattern matching to match them.
{ status = InProgress
, createdBy = ( User "Bill", 2 )
, assignedTo = Just (User "Alice")
, comments = [ ( User "Bill", "What's an 'undefined'?" ) ]
-- => True
Sometimes a bunch tickets need to be reassigned to other IT employees.
Define a function assignTicketTo
to help you do that. The function receives two arguments: a user to assign the ticket to and a ticket.
If the status of the ticket is New
, assign it to the new user and change the status to InProgress
For other statuses, simply reassign the ticket to the new users, except for tickets with the status Archived
that should not be modified at all.
Use destructuring in the function argument to extract the record from the Ticket
type as well as the field you need, and also use the as
keyword to capture the whole record as it is.
Use a single case
statement to pattern match the status and return the appropriate ticket, created from modifying the original record you captured with the as
assignTicketTo (User "Danny")
{ status = New
, createdBy = ( User "Jesse", 3 )
, assignedTo = Just (User "Alice")
, comments = [ ( User "Jesse", "I've been waiting for 6 months!!" ) ]
-- => Ticket
-- { status = InProgress
-- , createdBy = ( User "Jesse", 3 )
-- , assignedTo = Just (User "Danny")
-- , comments = [ ( User "Jesse", "I've been waiting for 6 months!!" ) ]
-- }
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